More questions than answers part 2

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**** Back at it again with Dean's POV. It'll be back and forth for the next few chapters.

Impala's POV

His smile was evil and twisted like how my body looked when it got hit by that eighteen wheeler all those years ago back when Sam and Dean's dad John Winchester was still alive. I don't know why I'm thinking about it now but the thoughts there. "Can I start off by saying that you're my favorite Supernatural character?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I wiggle around but the chains don't budge.

"Your powers won't work here." He adds with a shrug. "No use in trying." He steps forward. "You are the main character of my favorite tv show. Well they're all the same show just different universes but this Impala is my favorite." He smiles widely again. "From Car to human to vampire to... who knows?" He laughs. "What do you think is next?"

"Me kicking your ass." No budging again.

He blinks and then bursts out laughing. "You have no power here. Only I do!" Sam and Dean have never mentioned this guy to me. I'd think it'd had nice to know that I'm dealing with a lunatic. "Now, Do you know how much Dean loves you?"

I roll my eyes. Of course I know how much Dean loves me. He and Sam killed me so I wouldn't go back to begin a car again. To keep me here human. They're even here now searching for Meg. Well not here. But where we were.

"He's willing to die for you." He states. "Dean's willing to die for you, Impala. that's how much he loves you." Chuck tells me. "I've already seen this scenario play out."

"What?" I know he's God and he can see multiple universes but that's not possible. He can't time travel. Can he? I think he's just screwing with me to mess with my head. It won't work.

He snaps and a chair appears out of nowhere. He pulls it close to me and sits down. "You should know that Meg is taken care of. I've had a word with Crowley who runs hell." He folds his legs cockily and leans back. "You'll meet him eventually. But he's been wanting Meg for a long time." Why would he do that? "I want to help. I don't want to hurt you."

I look down at my chains then back at him. "You sure about that?" I feel like my body is boiling and I just want to jump and hit him until he can't get up anymore. I don't like this one bit. The way Castiel reacted to seeing him makes me think he can't be trust worthy. Even if he is God.

Dean's POV
When Sam and I get to Benny and Cass, Impala's gone. "Where is she?" Benny shrugs and looks over at Cass who I'm standing behind. I walk around the table. "Where the hell is she?!" I hear the boom and my voice. I see as other people stare but I don't care.

"God took her." Benny shakes his head. "It's still funnier every time I think about it." He gives a little giggle.

"I have a feeling we should just go back home." Cass finally speaks. But he's not saying anything I want to hear. Whoosh of air and we're back in the bunker. Benny still giggling.

Not the time to be giggling like a school girl. "Chuck is the worst person that could have her! Okay? This is NOT funny!" If I could have steam coming out of my ears like those cartoons I used to watch as a kid then I would. I AM PISSED. "And you just let him take her, Cass?" I turn my attention to him. I told him to watch her and not let anything happen to her. He gave his word. But like a lot of the other times his word is just crap right now.

Cass looks up at me. "Dean..." He starts to say but I stop him.

"No!" Everyone jumps at my shout. "You were supposed to watch her! Make sure nothing bad happened to her and you let Chuck run off with her? What the hell Cass!"

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