Part Sixty-Two - Revelation

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Carthus finally dismounted outside of the Spears of Redriver tavern and gave the reins of his horse to the young stable boy that ran out to meet him. The boy bowed before leading the horse away to the stable in the rear.

"Finally back" the Maad mumbled to himself, glad to be home.

"There were times in the valley that I did not think we would ever see this place again" Tassos added.

"Yeah, I need a drink" Enleif laughed.

"Farg, Tassos, head inside and rest earned it. We will catch up in a moment" Carthus nodded to the Spears and watched them leave up into the tavern before turning to Enleif, "look, I am glad that Desen vouched for you...if you ever need it, you have a place among the Spears."

"Thank you, friend, but I don't want to be tied down by is nothing personal...I probably won't be in Morside for long " the Nord replied with a smile, reaching up to pat the Maad on the shoulder. Enleif stood almost a head taller than Carthus.

"I see no harm in your are welcome to anything the Spears of Redriver have to offer...even that drink" Carthus grinned.

"Now that I can do!" Enleif laughed and together, they turned to the tavern, heading in. The doors swung open with Desen and Oro storming out, both with arms up to embrace their friend.

"I am glad to see you back!" Desen grabbed the Maad in a wide hug, patting his back furiously, "this is yours, I have had enough." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring of the city, eagerly returning it to Carthus with a laugh.

"I am glad to see you all as well!" Carthus took the ring and then faced his one-handed friend, hugging him tightly, "we thought you were gone Oro."

"Never! We were lost in the catacombs for a while, starving...but the Rytari found us" Oro replied.

"They wanted to keep them for questioning until I stepped in with that ring" Desen added.

"And Ythara?" Carthus looked concerned.

"Aye Ythara is safe, out on an errand right now...come, come...a feast is in order!" the dwarf bellowed waving his arms in excitement.

They all turned back to the double doors of the tavern and headed in laughing. Carthus paused a moment, exchanging a worried glance with Enleif before following. The common room burst into applause as the Maad commander stepped inside. It was full of men and women clad in Spear armor and cloaks, cheering and raising their drinks with his return. He let the worry fade for a moment and enjoyed the roar. It quickly came back.

"Alright, alright," he raised both arms and the warriors fell quiet, "I need the officers in council...we have something to discuss before any feasts are held."

"We should wait for Ythara" Oro spoke up.

"There might not be time...we can fill him in later" Carthus shook his head and stepped to the doors in the rear of the common room. Before heading in with Desen and Oro, he stopped, "whatever Enleif wants is one the house!"

"Tassos...drinks please" Oro called back before walking in and closing the doors of the council room behind them.

"Settle in," Carthus crossed the room and took his chair at the head of a long table. He sat with his back to a large stained glass window of the Spear sigil, covered now by a thin silk curtain. There were two armor stands with shields and spears facing each other by the window. The rest of the chamber was empty, still bare from the recent reconstruction of the tavern.

Desen and Oro took their seats by Carthus, opposite from each other. Carthus looked around for a moment, in deep thought. His mind raced between the Ordethi, the Rytari tension, the corrupt king, the fire and the dead in the valley.

"It is a lot..." he shook his head.

"What did ya find in the fire cliffs?" Desen asked.

"Dead men walking...the king was experimenting with some kind of old magic, a stone...a crystal...which turned the valley into a graveyard," Carthus finally found words, organizing his thoughts, "his magic failed and killed everyone living down there, but they all came back to life, enraged, undead."

"That kind of magic cannot be real?" Oro asked in disbelief.

"It is, I saw it with my own eyes, fought the dead...but we destroyed the crystal and the dead were returned...they rest now, Theo among them" Carthus answered quickly.

"Theo is dead?" Desen sat back, looking at the ceiling for a moment. The doors swung open slowly and Tassos walked in with three drinks in hand. He placed them on the table and nodded before leaving the room.

"Theo died fighting several assassins that followed us from the city to the cliffs" Carthus replied. They each took a drink and a moment to sip it. Carthus was glad to be drinking the cool ale, its soothing aroma, and chill, relaxing to the bone.

"Ordethi?" Oro asked. "No!" Carthus put the drink down, shaking his head, "Rytari!"

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