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Quentin is secretly raising him and Peters children evil and Peter figures out.

Ships: Mysterio x Spiderman

{Soft, Hard, Very Dark Ending}


"Hey honey." Quentin said as he walked into his and Peters shared apartment

They've been married for years, both having two children. One boy named Ben and one girl named Mary

"Hey, how was patrol?" Peter asked, feeling his husbands arms wrapping around him tightly

"It was good. It doesn't seem that bad anymore lately. Although, there are stillsome areas with high crime." Quentin said

"I still don't understand why you won't let me go on patrol. I've done it since I was thirteen." Peter said

"One of us has to stay home and protect our children, they are very young. It's not that I doubt you, it's just I don't want you getting hurt and I know you can protect our children if necessary." Quentin said

"You don't trust other superheroes to babysit them either." Peter said

Quentin thought for a second, he didn't want superheroes to be teaching his kids to do good things, they already were very kind from Peter. Quentin wanted them to rule the world after him and Peter finish with it.

"I will later on maybe. I'm just a very protective father I guess. I don't trust them with anyone else besides me and my loving husband." Quentin said

Peter thought for a moment "I guess your right."

Peter was very blind to this whole entire plan Quentin set out. He constantly staged crimes and hurt many people. Saving them and then being known as a hero. Peter thought he was a great guy ever since he met him when he travelled to Europe on a school trip. He gave him Edith and trusted him with his life. Quentin's original plan was to just let Peter be until he fell in love with the kid. He asked him out and then they dated until getting married and having two kids.

Peter always taught their children well, to do good things and both Ben and Mary had very kind and caring hearts. Quentin wanted that for them but he also wanted much eviler intentions.

"Dad!!" Ben and Mary yelled as they ran up to Quentin, grabbing his leg and hanging on

"Hey there you little monsters." Quentin said and picked them both up, Ben was on his shoulders and Mary was being carried by the hip

Peter smiled and watched lovingly.

He carried them to the couch and playfully dropped them on it as they laughed and giggled.

"Dad do you want to see my new Spiderman comic!" Mary said

"Forget that! What crime did you fight today?!" Ben said

"Now now Ben. Don't interrupt your sister." Quentin scolded

"But dad, you always said to not care-" Ben said but stopped when Quentin gave him a stern look

"What?" Peter said

"Nothing.." Ben said

"Ben was referring to when he misinterpreted what I meant." Quentin reasoned to his husband

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