When Peter gets a boyfriend.

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Peter, as the title suggests, gets a boyfriend. The Avengers aren't too keen on their little spider growing up.

Ships: Spideypool and Stony.

-Peter calls Tony dad and Steve pops. Everyone else is aunt or uncle besides Scarlet who is looked at as a sister. Doctor strange is also there



Peter woke up like normal. It was really weekend and he could finally catch up on some sleep while not having to worry about school.

Aunt May is currently traveling around the world. She has been working hard for so long to keep Peter and her afloat. Tony offered to take Peter in so she could just relax. May didn't mind, she knew Tony and the Avengers loved Peter as if they were his family. And Tony along with the Avengers definitely didn't mind having the young positive presence around, he was like a young son or brother to them.

He got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, expecting his so called super family to be loud and hectic while eating breakfast like usual. However, today he walked into a quiet kitchen. No loud yelling, conversations, or even some surprise like uncle Clint shooting an arrow at him or aunt Natasha grabbing his arm and flipping him over, both of which attacks they expect Peter to dodge, which he does most of the time.

Alarmed, Peter looked around and went into the living room, there, he saw everyone sitting or standing around the large red couch. A single chair in front of them.

They all simultaneously turned to look at Peter, who looked kind of afraid.

"What's going on?" Peter asked

"Peter. Sit down." Tony said blankly, referring to the chair in front of them.

"Guys I'm kind of freaked out, is this a-"

"No prank. No joke. This is serious. Now sit down before Cap drags you here." Clint said

Peter blinks and stares at them for a couple moments.

They look at Steve as he sighs and starts walking towards Peter.

"Hey- Wait pops!" Peter attempts to jump on the ceiling only to be grabbed by Steve and brought to the seat

Peter was about to freak out and get up when Natasha glared daggers at him.

"Do not. Even think. About it." She said

Peter looked at her and everyone else, everyone had a serious face, what had he done? Did he do something wrong?

"Guys I don't know what I di-"

"Just be quiet for once Peter, please. It would help you in this situation." Scarlet said

Peter slowly nodded and faced the family, everyone was around him, Bruce looked like he was trying to calm down so hulk wouldn't come out, Natasha glared harshly, Tony and Steve looked blank, Scarlet and Clint looked calm but slightly pissed. Thor looked like he was seconds from grabbing his Mjölnir. Dr. Strange seemed simply calm. Bucky was just standing there, his metal arm clutched in a fist. And more.

Peter gulped. What had he done?

"Peter." Tony said "It has come to our attention recently that. You.." He said though his teeth

Peter got ready, whatever he had done seemed to be very severe. Everyone was upset.

"That you have a. Boyfriend." Tony said

Peter blinked, processing that information for a couple of seconds.

"Wait wait- you guys are- looking at me like I murdered one of you in cold blood. But your actually mad that I have a boyfriend?" Peter said, smiling

They all looked at each other and nodded.

"Guys. I'm turning 18 in a couple of months. I'm growing older and I just. I was going to tell you guys today actually. I was planning a dinner where you all could meet him. His name is Wade an-"

"We know who he is." Steve said "Deadpool. Wade Wilson. He's a mercenary."

"He doesn't kill people anymore. Even when he did, he killed bad people. Murders, conmen. People like that. While I don't agree with killing, it did kind of make everything a bit safer with the lack of serial killers."

The avengers all looked at each other.

"Bring him over for dinner. We all talk then." Dr. Strange finally spoke

"I still think your too young for a boyfriend." Natasha said "What if he hurts you."

"If he hurts you underoos I'm gonna blast him into another galactic dimension." Tony said

"Even before Tony does that, he's gonna get the beating of his life." Steve said

"Hulk will beat him to the ground." Bruce said

"I'll make sure he's beat down as much as possible." Natasha said

"He better be able to dodge my explosive arrows." Clint said

"He's gonna have a couple cars and buildings thrown at him" Scarlet said

"Some magic will be great to use on a subject." Dr. Strange said

"Mjölnir is ready." Thor said

"I will also use my magic." Loki said as he walked in

"And a metal arm to the face." Bucky said

"Guys. I get it. He will get so beat up if he ever hurts me. I'm sure he won't though. Just don't be too hard on him." Peter smiled

Everyone looked at him and smiled, even Dr. Strange and Loki did slightly.

They went up to Peter and hugged him.

"Just be safe Peter." Tony said

"I will dad. I love you, Superfamily." Peter smiled

"We love you too." They said


Part 2 of Wade meeting the Avengers in Dinner?

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