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Spiders can't stand peppermint. Peter finds out one day. Superfamily.

Ships: Spideypool, Stony

(Sorta short)

(Regular, Soft)


Peter was sitting on the floor, criss cross, from the game board.

His Superfamily were currently arguing over monopoly.

"That was so cheap!" Tony yelled

"It wasn't you're just a sore loser!" Wade yelled

"I told you NOT to roll a six. And what do you do?" Natasha says while holding Clint in a chokehold

"Roll a six! It's not my fault though-" Clint says laughing

"You lost fair and square brother." Loki said

"You targeted me!" Thor boomed, upset.

"Calm down everyone." Steve said "It's just a game."

"Can't we all have fun without trying to kill each other at the end."

"What pops and uncle Bruce said!" Peter said

"Your just trying to calm down so Hulk doesn't come out." Clint said

Bruce's neck started turning a bit green.

"No not really." He said

"It was so unfair." Tony muttered

"No it wasn't." Wade said

"I'll kill you somehow and make it seem like an accident so Peter doesn't know it's me." Tony deadpanned

"I want to see you try." Wade said

Rhodey suddenly came from the kitchen.

"Hey Rhodes can you get us a snack?" Clint said

"Already got some. Peppermint. We have nothing else that isn't really bad for you or expired." Rhodey said and threw over the bag

Everyone started talking and took a peppermint or two.

Peter touched the peppermint and immediately flinched feeling his spider senses go off.

"You okay?" Wade said, pulling Peter onto his lap.

"I'm fine." Peter said grabbing a peppermint and unwrapping it, placing it on his tongue.

After a couple seconds Peter immediately coughed and spit it out.

Everyone looked at him.

"Peter?" Natasha said

Peter gagged slightly and reached for the water bottle and gulping it down.

"Peter? Are you okay?" Steve said, concerned father filling his features.

Peter took a couple deep breaths before sighing.

"Sorry, I-I don't know what that was." Peter said

"Peter you're allergic to peppermint because of your spidey genetics." Tony said "I thought you remembered so I didn't say anything."

"Of course I would forget dad! You never trust me with this type of stuff!" Peter said

"I didn't know this?" Steve said

"Neither did I!" Wade complained

"I knew." Natasha said "I also thought he would remember."

"I knew but I wanted to see how he would react since I knew he wasn't going to die from it or anything." Clint said

"If I knew I wouldn't have given them out." Rhodey said

"Hulk did we know?" Bruce questioned himself and Hulk shook his head

"We didn't know." Loki said referring to him and Thor

"I'm not sure if I knew." Bucky said, Sam nodding

"I think I knew." Wanda said

"Point is, we all know! No more peppermint for Peter alright! This is just a allergy thing I guess, no need to get worked up on it." Tony said

Everyone nodded and continued their conversation.


"Peter? What else are you 'allergic' to?" Clint said and everyone looked at him

"You." Peter said sarcastically, smiling

What a Superfamily.

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