Friends since forever

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Peter and Wade have been friends since forever. Soon developing a love interest in one another as they grow up.

Ships: Spideypool, Stony.

(Superfamily, Wolverine aka Logan as Wade's adoptive father)



Peter was minding his own business. Playing with his really advanced toys in the living room. He was about four years old. His dads went off quickly when the elevator to the big Avengers tower opened, greeting some people unknown to him.

It was this guy with brown hair slicked back, his hair on both sides of his head sticked a bit upward, like cat ears. Peter giggled to himself.

Behind him was this boy. He was definitely taller then Peter by two or three inches. He had either very light brown hair or really dirty blond, it was hard to tell from the distance. He had ocean blue eyes. Peter childishly blushed.

The adults were talking and then soon looked into the living room, walking over.

Peter immediately looked up with big doe eyes, the look he gave when he was confused.

Steve and Tony cooed at their little boy.

"Hey Pete, this is Logan, also known as wolverine." Steve said as he kneeled down and ruffled his son's hair

"W-..wolverine? The other guy in the comics..? The x-men ones?" Peter said and looked at Logan who waved.

"Yeah Peter. The one on his right is his son, Wade. Now how about you two play and the grown ups will have a talk on the couch?" Tony said

Peter nodded and Logan was about to gesture Wade to go but he was there in a matter of seconds.

"Hey! My name is Wade Wilson! Your name is?" Wade said with confidence

"I-I'm Peter Stark-Rogers...before I was Peter Parker." Peter said nervously

"Well Peter, what do you got here?" Wade said, pointing at the toys

"Oh, they are toys that are uhh...I think my dad uses the word advanced..?" Peter said

"Cool! Let's make a huge battle zone with the blocks and cannons!" Wade said

Peter nodded and smiled as they made a mess out of the toys.

The adults were talking on the couch and looked to see if their kids were okay.

"I think this is hilarious because Wade's such a extrovert and Peter's an introvert." Steve said

"I give it..twelve years until they date." Logan said bluntly

"Logan they are kids." Steve said

"Face it Steve. You saw the way Peter looked at Wade when he first saw him just now. He doesn't just do that." Tony said "I bet eleven or twelve years too."

"Wade doesn't act so confident to any other kid. It's like he's trying to impress him." Logan chuckled

Steve sighed.

"You guys. Fine. Eleven years." Steve said


Peter looked up from his science book when he heard the elevator ding.

Logan and Wade came out the elevator like they do every week. Peter and Wade are now twelve years old. Every week he came by. On cue.

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