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Peter is in school doing some PE. As he goes into the locker room and changes with his classmates. His coach notices bruises on him which worries him thinking Peter is abused. Upon being asked Peter immediately and shyly says it was just his boyfriend Wade. The teacher ends up calling his parents, Tony and Steve. Which doesn't end well.

Ships: Stony, Spideypool

{Soft, Hard, Shorter chapter}

Request from: @oh_shit_ben_platt (Thanks for the request!)


Peter dodged the last dodge ball thrown at him from Flash who stormed off in defeat. Smiling, he walks into the locker room.

Peter went to his locker and took off his shirt to quickly change.

The rest of the boys were walking out when his coach stopped him.

"Parker. Hold it." The older man said

Peter looked confused but stayed back regardless.

As the rest of the boys ran out and were out of earshot the coach looked at Peter.

"Peter. Uh. I understand if you don't want to talk about this or if it's too embarrassing but, I need you to tell me the truth. If anything is happening to you at home then you need to tell a trusted adult. We can help you." The coach said

Peters confusion spiked the highest it's ever been.

"Uhm. Coach? What are you talking about?" Peter said

"Listen. I saw the bruises on your body. Clear as day. All over you, and what is this? Rope burn on your wrists?" The coach said

Peters face immediately burned up and he laughed awkwardly.

"Uhh, Coach these bruises are from my boyfriend.." Peter said quietly

"I'm sorry Parker, I couldn't hear ya. Please repeat that." Coach said

"These bruises are from my boyfriend, Wade. Not my parents." Peter laughed lightly

The coach raised an eyebrow.

"My parents have nothing to do with this and they would never ever hurt me in any way shape or form. Thanks for caring though." Peter smiled and walked out of the locker room with his backpack.

The coach immediately went up to the phone and called a number as soon as the boy left.


"Peter Parker please come to the main office." The loud speaker called out and Peter got up from his class, giving his teacher plus Ned and Mj a nod before walking to the office.

As he walked in he was directed into the guidance counselors office and was confused when he saw both his parents and his gym teacher.

"Peter. Please take a seat." The guidance counselor said

Peter took a seat in the chair between his parents.

"It has been brought to our attention that someone has seen bruises on you which could mean abuse. The coach said that you said it was your boyfriend who did this." She said "Listen Peter. We want to help. We don't want any of our students to be going through such things. If you can tell us the name of this person who's hurting you then we will help you."

Peter processed all the information for a second before turning cherry red again.

Tony and Steve shared an amused look. They both were initially angered by the thought that someone was hurting their son when they first got the call, but then when they were told it was his boyfriend Wade. They knew that it wasn't abuse. More a kinky game.

This calmed Steve down but Tony was still angered his little Peter wasn't so innocent. So they decided to punish him by not saying anything, knowing he would have to admit his kinks to his gym teacher and guidance counselor.

"No. No. You've got it all confused." Peter said "My boyfriend is not abusing me. Not my parents. No one is hurting me."

"Then how do you explain the bruises Parker?" The Coach said

"I told you. It was my boyfriend. He wasn't hurting me its..it's hickeys and rope burn from bondage okay." Peter said, extremely embarrassed.

The Coach and Guidance Counselor shared a greatly amused look and the room went deathly silent.

"Oh..well that's..good news I presume. You are free to go home since your parents are here anyway. See you tomorrow." The guidance counselor said and Peter immediately got up and walked out

Tony and Steve catches up behind him.

"So. How was the punishment. We basically know now you have kinks and so does two of the faculty staffs." Tony said

"I can't wait to graduate in two years." Peter muttered

"I'm sure you do son." Steve said laughing

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