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aaaaaaand we're back lol

new story!!

hopefully this one will be interesting, idk lol. i kinda got inspired to write this by listening to tokyo by rm, hence the name of the book.

there are only two point of views in this story, no more than one, unless i really need to use another person's pov lol. and i think it'll be obvious when the point of views change but if not, i'll let you know ofc.

i recommend listening to tokyo throughout the whole book (if you want to ofc) bc i feel like it would really fit well with the story.

ATTENTION: the whistle at the end of the song, KEEP THAT WHISTLE TUNE IN MIND ALL THE TIME. the whistling plays a big part in this story, almost like the whistling from the wings trailers.

sooo with all that being said...enjoy reading tokyo!

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