Chapter 32 - Dark

Start from the beginning

"Uh, yeah?" he asked when he finished choking.

"Would it be okay if you guard with Malcolm and Nico?" she asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh," he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Nope. That won't be a problem."

"Good," she turned back to the group. "Everyone else, try and get some sleep. It's going to be a long night. 

The demigods dispersed, all leaving to try and get some shut-eye before their upcoming battles. Soon, the only people left standing where Theron, Nico, and Malcolm.

"Soooo," Theron drawled out, clapping his hands together. "How do we get to the roof?"

"Over here," Malcolm walked towards a metal door with the words Roof Access / Emergency Exit written in Greek and Latin in bold, red ink. He opened the door with a grunt, showing a fire escape ladder made of what appeared to be Celestial Bronze that led to the roof. 

"Was this door always here?" Theron whispered to Nico. "I feel like I would have seen it. . ."

Nico snorted but said nothing as they started ascending the stairs. It didn't take them long to reach the roof. On the rooftop, there was a telescope, along with some chairs and bins.

"Doesn't it rain?" Theron asked as he approached the telescope. "Not the smartest decision if you ask me. Chairs and water don't usually mix."

"It's enchanted," Malcolm answered as he opened a bin and rummaged through it, taking out three sets of binoculars. "Just like Camp Half-Blood, it only rains if Lord Zeus wishes it to."

"Huh," Theron accepted the binoculars Malcolm offered him. He pressed them to his face and couldn't help but gasp. Technology had indeed advanced since his last time here. The binoculars seemed like something right out of a movie. It had a small panel with a group of control settings. Night vision, thermal, zooming in or out, and radars were only some of the buttons uses. 

"You like the binoculars?" Malcolm chuckled as he adjusted his own pair. "They were made by the Hephaestus Cabin. Leo Valdes, to be more precise."

"Why am I not surprised?" Theron responded. He looked over the side of the building and saw cars drive around on the streets below him. He looked up into the sky. It was dark now, stars now littered the sky and he found himself searching for the Huntress's constellation. Was it still here? Even if Zoe was alive? And it was.

The Huntress's constellation ran across the stars, bow still in hand. Theron made a mental note to ask Zoe about that later.

"Can I ask you a question?" Theron was brought out of his musing by Nico Di Angelo's voice. 

"Uh, sure?"

"I recognized the aura of one of your Commanders, Phantom," Nico raised an eyebrow. "You wouldn't happen to know of any other demigods in your ranks, would you?"

Theron froze. "Demigods? In my ranks?" Theron's voice was an octave higher than normal. "What? Pfft, no. . ."

Nico looked at him with disbelief. "I know who you are."

Theron swore his heart stopped. He was not ready for this. "Who. . .who am I?" Theron asked the son of Hades.

"You," Nico took a deep breath. "Are an egotistical brat who cares only about himself. You know something about a friend of mine, my cousin. Yet, you choose to keep it from me and my friends? No wonder you wear a hood. I wouldn't want to see your disappointing face." he spat.

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