Chapter 40: GoodBye!

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The doctor came out, Benny was the first to get up from the chair as a flash followed by Hans. The doctor lowered his head, such news was never easy to give. "We are very sorry. Ms. Lyngstad just passed away." Everything collapsed at that moment, what? It had to be a joke.

Lotta felt her world become tiny in fractions of seconds, she refused to lose her mother. Hans held her to keep her from losing strength and falling. Benny who was still red and in shock didn't stop staring at the doctor but he was not even there, he was in all the memories of Frida, was in her, not in that hospital. Agnetha hid her face in Björn's chest and began to cry inconsolably. The pain was indescribable, everything had clouded around them. A more destroyed family, where would they get strength? Benny was disoriented until he reacted and hit the cry of pain, anger and helplessness.

He sat down and put his hands on his head crying with rage and unease, he was really desperate hoping his reality was just a bad dream. He felt like dying, felt like disappearing from the world. Suddenly oxygen and was not compatible with his respiratory system, and his body was not transforming, he was already drowning in his own pain.

With the noise in the hallway Paula knew something had happened, the crying gave them away. She decided to run to see what was happening when she saw her family shattered in the middle of the waiting room. She continued to cry and ran to her dad. "Dad, what's up? Where is my mom?" said desperately shaking his head in his hands to react and give her an answer. He didn't know what to answer, what would he tell his six-year-old daughter what happened to her mother? How do you tell a daughter that her mother is dead?

He looked at her with tears-soaked eyes and she stopped for a moment, understanding everything. "My mom," she said shattered. She began to scream very loudly, the pain was immense, the bitterness endless. The grief left by Frida's death was second to none. Everything sank with them.

When Lotta saw her little sister tried to regain her strength, she knew that Benny wouldn't do it, not at that moment. She went to hug her carrying her. Hans joined the hug, all three had lost their mother, the greatest pain they could experience. So hard that it burned their chest. Hans covered them in his arms, they somehow felt protected and at the same time he felt their warmth. Frida would have wanted to see them that way. They never thought that a mother's death hurt so much and the worst thing is that they had to experience it.

Came to their minds all the memories they had with her, every care, love she gave them, every attention, every support. The best. Agnetha felt a big lump in her stomach, the situation was too sad, she couldn't believe it. Not her best friend. Björn was also crying in the most vulnerable way and as a small child. The emptiness he felt just minutes from her dead was extremely noticeable and heartbreaking as much as the pain. "We need someone to sign because they will perform the medical autopsy on the corpse" —each one— everyone felt, as it was possible they were talking about Frida, it couldn't be.

Hans decided to be strong and took care of the papers that the doctor asked for, although he could barely do it because his hands were shaking as tears fell. That was better than nothing because Benny was still prostrated in the chair without saying or doing anything, just crying. Charlotte stayed with Synni in the room because she had already woken up and Heléne went to hug her dad, she knew that at that moment he needed her more than ever. The darkest moment of their lives, everything was loneliness, sadness and tragedy. "And now?"

That night they returned to the house, the doctor authorized that they could already take Synni with them, while Frida was still in the morgue and preparing the funeral matters. More Björn and Peter took care of that, it was not an easy time for anyone. Benny didn't give back or forward, just with the help of Heléne could get dressed and prepare to go to the funeral home, he was in the bed he shared with Frida while lying on his back facing the ceiling and crying. His heart was sad and empty, he was dead in life.

Charlotte took care of Synni all the time so the others no longer had to worry, Agnetha also occasionally checked that everything was fine with the newborn. Sometimes the little one restless and cried a lot, but in other moments she could be very calm and sleeping. Olive along with Arthur and Sølvi arrived in Stockholm as soon as possible, of course the three were shattered in pain especially Olive. When Lotta and Paula saw her they ran towards her, they needed a hug and her hugs were as close to their mother as they had.

The three began to cry without compassion, the pain was more than they had already wrapped them completely. They had lost Frida, they didn't know when it happened and also why. "Everything will be fine," Olive said in a heartbreaking pain, she didn't know exactly if everything was going to be fine but they had to convince themselves about it.

"I want my mom here with me, now," Paula started yelling at everyone and Olive held her tighter.

"Honey, you have to be strong, you are a very strong young lady and I know your mom...your mom would've wanted you to be okay," Olive said giving her a warm kiss.

Everyone was ready to go to the funeral home but Benny. Olive entered the bedroom carefully and sat next to him but he was lost and didn't want to talk. "Benny, it's time to go," he looked at her and shook his head. "What's up?" She asked.

"I don't want to go, —I... I can't do this," he said.

"Benny, you have to," she passed her hand through his arm. "Do it for you children, your daughters, they need you."

"I want to be left alone, Olive. I can't go to the funeral home." Olive didn't want to force him, she knew that he would regret the fact of not going to say goodbye to Frida but she wanted to respect him and now more than ever she had to take care of everything and the girls.

Everyone left and just Charlotte stayed in the house with Synni who was sleeping, it was a very devastating moment, she was just almost two days old and she had already lost her mother. Benny entered her bedroom, he was crying a lot, Charlotte didn't say anything and just looked at him. He stood in front the crib and as his tears fell, he kissed his fingers and placed them on his little daughter's cheeks. "Goodbye," he said.

Charlotte frowned confused, what was he saying? He left the bedroom and went to his picking up a suitcase he had already prepared, Charlotte's eyes widened, what the hell was he going to do? "Benny? Are you okay?" She asked and her voice was trembling. He looked at her and his eyes were all red.

"Charlotte, take care of the girls," he didn't say anything more and went to the main room opening it, then looked around, it was going to be the last time he was able to see the house where he spent the last year with the one and only love of his life. He left.

"The autopsy reveled that the pop star Anny-Frid Lyngstad from ABBA died of a Deep Venous Thrombosis, after she gave birth it complicated and there was nothing else to do.

Her funeral was the most devastated funeral we've seen. No one could believe it. The press was present but Görel Hanser and Stig Anderson didn't allowed us to inquire more and asked us to respect the family pain.

Benny Andersson wasn't present in his partner and mother of his two daughter's funeral and there is a rumor that he left the country.

Many of her friends were there to say goodbye to this wonderful woman, just as Lill Babs, Lena Andersson, Tomas Ledin, Charlotte Klingspor, Lena Källersjo, lillebil ankarcrona, for our surprised Benny's ex wife Mona Nörklit and more.

Of course her family and best friends Björn Ulvaeus and Agnetha Fältskog were there, too. None of them could believe what they were living.

We are sending our condolences to them all, Rest In Peace."

The news were filled with her death, everyone was talking about it, the world was sad and something went out with her departure, everything was grey and bland.

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