Chapher 13: When All Is Said And Done.

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Benny and Frida woke up in each other's arms, he kissed her forehead and she smiled at him kissing his hairy chest. "Wish we could stay just like this forever".

"But it's time to work, isn't it?" she got up naked and went to the bathroom, he smirked and followed her. She was washing her teeth and he hugged her from behind kissing her back. It was very tentative but she wasn't in the mood at all. "Benny, it's late now, we have to go".

"We are never later for this", he insisted.

"I told you I don't want to", she raised her voice getting mad and he immediately understood, step back and took his brush teeth. "I'm sorry, I'm just not in the mood", she tried to fix everything but he was already down.

"It's okay, I understand" he replied.

Later at the office...

The secretary entered to the office where everybody, "Benny, someone named Mona want to talk with you, she's on the phone".

Benny got nervous and his heartbeats increased, not only because Mona was calling and he knew he failed her but what would Frida thinks about it.
He got up and went to attend the phone call.

"Hello, is Benny".

"Hello, I'm sorry if I'm calling but I was worried last night".

"Yeah, Mona I'm sorry. I had somethings to do at home".

"Well, I would really had appreciated if you had called".

"I know, I'm so dumb sometimes but I didn't have time... I apologize".

"That's okay, don't worry I just needed to know if you're fine".

"I am, thank you", he paused. "If you want we can meet any other day to reward yesterday night".
They set a date and then Benny returned to the office. He thought that Frida would be jealous because of it but she did the contrary he thought, she kissed him. He felt like a crap because he had kissed Mona but at the same time he couldn't stop thinking about her, she was really nice and cute and that kiss was stuck in his mind.


The weeks has passed, after the fabulous night they had nothing more happened between them. They were very distant to each other and concentrated in everything but their relationship. Benny kept in contact with Mona and their relationship grew, deep inside he needed a change and he loved Frida but Mona was offering a brand new life, maybe it was the time of being happy again. In a short time she stirred his whole world.

One night when they were ready to sleep Frida was staring at the ceiling thinking a million of things.
"Is she Mona?" she asked fearing the answer. He was shocked and confused at the same time and he was trembling.

"W—what's up with—with her?"

"She's your new love, isn't she?"

"Why do you ask me that?"

"Just tell me if is she or not", she asked firmly. "And I want the truth".

"Well" Benny broke in tears, "we just kissed and we have been going out sometimes but i swear nothing more have happened".

Frida also began to cry, she wasn't surprised, she knew that something like that would happen sooner or later "I want the divorce", it was like a lunge to death for Benny, he was shocked and didn't know what to say.

"Are you serious?"

"Do you see any other solution to this?" Benny got angry, maybe with himself, maybe with Frida or just with the life. He didn't say anything else and got dressed, slammed the door and left the house. He was desperate and went with Mona, he needed to talk to her because she was the one who understands him very good. She stayed there crying, it was the best for both of them, she knew that he was having that -affair- with Mona and she had nothing else to do, and also she made him suffer a lot with her depressions and she didn't want him to deal with that anymore.

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