Chapter 26: Calm Down.

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The next day, Frida began to wake up when the sun's rays penetrated the bedroom, she slept laying on her stomach and was naked covered by the sheet and with a hand hugging her back, when she raised her head and looked at her side she realized that it was Benny, who by the way was snoring. She closed her eyes again and sighed, her head hurt a lot and although she knew what she had done last night they were fuzzy memories, she was really drunk. She tried to get up as carefully as she could to not wake Benny up, withdrew his arm from her back and sat on the bed trying to find her clothes but when she looked to the side saw two bathrobes and took one covering herself with it.

She left the bedroom and saw that Björn and Agnetha were on the couch, she lay on him while he caressed her arm. She of course was very confused and also somewhat hangover. "Good morning," quickly caught her friends' attentions who raised their heads to see her.

"Good morning, Frida!" said Agnetha sitting down.

"Can someone explain to me what is happening here?" She approached them, also sitting on the couch and they both lay on Björn.

"How was your night?" He asked knowing the answer by the moans.

"A disaster, I don't know what happened to me... I shouldn't have drunk that way."

"But you enjoyed it." Agnetha winked at her.

"You two... since when are you so affectionate?"

"Don't ask," Björn tried to get up and just then Benny got out terrified of the bedroom, he had no direction and of course was confused. He didn't know if he had dreamed it or had come true until he saw them in the living room and ran into there.

"Frida, let me see it."

She frowned. "What do you want to see?" She asked confused.

"The tattoo you have, I know I didn't dream it."

She rolled her eyes. "Leave me alone".

"Do you have a tattoo?" Björn sat looking at her, Agnetha knew it.

"That's my business," she responded by holding her bathrobe but Benny sat up and tried to open it.

"Let me see it, please."

"I already told you to leave me alone, I won't show you anything." He kept insisting and insisting until Frida got tired and lifted her robe so he could see it. Björn also took a look but Frid was so confident that it didn't matter to her.

"What does it mean?" He began to run his hand around but she immediately closed it.

"It's my daughter and I," she confessed getting up from the sofa and went to the bedroom, before he could enter she locked the door to get dressed, honestly felt she couldn't stay there for another minute.

"Frida, open the door for me," he stayed there until she opened it again. "Where are you going?" She finished putting on her shoes and continued on her way.

"Björn, thanks for everything but I'm leaving now."

"Where are you going? We haven't even had breakfast. "

"Sorry, Agnetha. You will have to enjoy breakfast without me." Benny couldn't let her leave, not before talking about what had happened between them.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him, both facing each other. "You can't leave because we have to talk."

"Let me go Benny, you don't realize that all this has been a mistake," she began to despair because she knew it wasn't right, but the temptation to have him so close was too much. He kissed her and although she refused at first then she gave in hugging him while they kissed.

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