Chapter 46: final pt. 2

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Frida was at the florist buying white flowers, the day was very emotional, just sixteen years ago her little daughter Alice had died, things were good in her life, she learned to be strong and live with it for the well-being of her family, but the pain of losing a child did not subside, and there was not a day that she did not remember her. Now there was gratitude in her heart for the fact that she got to know her, that she was part of her, besides that she knew that she was with her mother and that gave her peace and tranquility.

She took her time choosing the best flowers, it was very important. She looked at her wristwatch, she agreed to meet Benny at the cemetery at 10:00 a.m., so she had to hurry because it was fifteen minutes to ten. She walked over to the box with the flowers and paid, then went to her car, put the flowers on the passenger seat, and buckled her seatbelt.

Arriving at the cemetery, it was next to the Lidingö church, Benny's car was parked and she parked right next to it. She took the flowers and went out, when she looked at the cemetery she noticed that he was not alone, Paula, Synni and Ludvig were with him, which caused her to get even more emotional, they did not like to go there and that is why they never forced them to. Year after year Benny and Frida would visit the grave, sometimes alone, sometimes with their older children, sometimes with some friends like Agnetha, Björn or Görel, but not with their young children.

Frida hurried in, the cemetery was right on the road, so access was easy and she looked at the church before, right there she married Benny back in the 70s, which brought back nostalgia and memories, now that they were together they hadn't discussed marriage again. Benny realized that Frida had already arrived and smiled, he went to meet her so that she wouldn't make the entrance alone. He held her hand and she smiled already with tears in her eyes, he took her to his chest and took her in his arms. "It's okay," he whispered.

"How did you get them to come?" she asked curious.

"I didn't do much, I just proposed and they accepted," Benny explained, and now they both started walking towards the grave holding hands. The children, who had been looking at the grave all the time, now looked up at their parents and little Synni had tears in her eyes, which caused Frida to feel a lump in her throat.

"Dad, why is she dead?" Synni hugged him. Benny didn't know what to say, he opted to just hug her. Frida was making a great effort not to cry, she crouched down on her daughter's grave and placed the white flowers.

"I hope you're happy wherever you are little one," Frida whispered. Paula saw that her mother was struggling to stay well, so she decided to hug her to make her feel better, she received her hug out of a lot of love. "I love you guys, thanks for joining your father and me today," she said smiling with watery eyes and extended her hand to Ludvig who immediately held it.

"We're really sorry you had to go through all that," Ludvig said sincerely. Benny and Synni joined the family hug.

"But, now we have all of you and that's good," Benny commented with a smile. Frida felt all the love and warmth of her family, she could finally feel how she was freed from all ties and she felt more at peace with herself. She didn't want to keep them there anymore, considering that their faces didn't look very happy to be there, and she didn't judge them, it wasn't a happy place.

Frida approached the grave again and took one of the flowers that she had deposited, she gave it a kiss as if it were her own daughter. "I love you so much Alice, forever and ever," she finally said feeling it from the bottom of her heart. Benny took the opportunity to also kneel and they both remained silent for a few minutes, he put his hand on her thigh and they exchanged glances.

"Mom and dad love you too much, little Alice," Benny said and Frida caressed him.

"Time to go," Frida decided to break the mold, Benny nodded his head avoiding crying but she could read her feelings.

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