Chapter 24: A Date.

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Benny drove to Lidingö because, he had to show that piece of their life to his daughter. "Welcome to Lidingö," Frida smiled, she hadn't been there since they moved out. She began to observe the neighborhood and her daughter in the back was doing the same.

"What's here?" Paula was fascinated with the place while looking excitedly through the window.

"Here we used to live your mother, me and your siblings for a long time," he opened headed for the house and Frida looked at him confused.

"Who lives here now?"

"Some good people who are going to let us in," parked the car and left at the same time as Frida who kept looking at the house where she had lived so many things. Benny opened the car door and helped Paula to remove her seat belt so that she could also get out and she went running to the gate.

"Paula, take it easy, please," her mother approached her waiting for Benny to take the next step. He opened the door and they entered, Frida was quite shy because she didn't trust if Benny had permission to enter or not, but she felt very special when she was treading again. They walked around the garden, Paula went in front of them as if she knew the place with a big smile on her face, while Benny and Frida went back and looked at everything that once was theirs. They climbed the stairs and the closer they got to the entrance, the more nostalgia grew in Frida, so many memories began to gather and her body shuddered.

When they opened the door, Frida was shocked, she couldn't believe who the people were there but at the same time she was too confused. "Aunt Olive!" two tears came out and she started to hug her, the last time Paula saw her she was still a baby and had missed her a lot.

"Uncle Arthur is here too," she extended her arm smiling and he joined the hug.

"Hello?" A little girl said looking up and confused, they broke the hug, Frida wiped her tears and carried Paula at the same time they entered the house.

"Do you remember aunt Lollo and Uncle Arthur?" Paula nodded smiling, Olive carried her and they hugged.

"The last time I saw you, you still wore diapers." Benny pretended to cough, apparently everyone knew about his daughter's existence except him.

"Can someone explain to me why you are the owners of this house?"

"We are not the owners of the house, they are coming back in an hour," Olive said laughing and putting Paula on the floor who did not hesitate to run everywhere.

"Why don't you live in this house anymore?" She sat on the couch and then jumped to the other side. Frida decided to escape for a few minutes to tour the house, she was very curious to know how it looked. She went up to the bedrooms, hers with Benny was still almost intact, she began to remember so many things, that room was very complicit, love, passion and of course, sex.

If those walls spoke they would say many things too hot. A smile was drawn on her face just to imagine it, until her thoughts were interrupted, "I love this bedroom." Benny sighed in fright.

"It's special," he fixed his gaze on her but she tried to ignore him as much as possible. When they looked out they realized that Paula was in Alice's room. Frida's heart shattered because she remembered the morning she woke up and her daughter was dead, couldn't stand it and broke into tears, she would had a year older than Paula if she had been alive, she wondered what life had been like with her. Benny hugged her knowing exactly what her feelings were, Paula didn't realize because she kept snooping around the room that was empty.

They approached the room but Frida did not have the courage to enter, so she stayed at the door. "Whose room was this?"

"Alice," Benny immediately responded by opening the windows to breathe the fresh air. Frida, meanwhile, tried not to cry but it was hard for her to contain the pain. The whole house made her want to cry, she was very happy there. She had a family, had a husband and good friends. Although she didn't change to have her daughter Paula for anything in the world, it hurt her enough that couldn't have had the same fate and opportunity with Alice.

Try Once More.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora