Second Part. New Beginning.

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Five years passed, Benny was in the lobby of the hotel in London reading a newspaper and waiting for Mona and Ludvig. Suddenly a little girl was approaching with a big smile on her face, her face was familiar but he didn't know her. "Hello, are you uncle Benny?" she asked curiously.

"Hello, yes..." he said "I am Benny. Who are you?"

"My name is Paula". Benny was captivated by her charm, she had a light brown hair, she wasn't very tall, just normal by her age. Her eyes were green, big nose but profiled and her little mouth with very nice lips.

She had two tails and shaking it as she moved. "Paula dear, let's go!" said a woman —actually was her nanny— who was in the reception looking for the keys of the hotel room.

Benny thought that it could be her mom but that little girl looked a lot like someone he knew. "Bye, Benny", she said as she went to her nanny's side taking her hand, Benny waved and smiled.

Frida was promoting her solo album "Shine" and they were in the same hotel, Benny was there because of business and she was showing the world her first solo work after ABBA and the break she took away from the music.

Later, Frida arrived to the hotel and Paula was playing with Charlotte who was her nanny, they were having a fun party with Paula's barbies. When she saw her mom she immediately got up and screamed running to her. "Mom, you are finally here", she raised her hands and Frida carried her daughter.

"Hi sweetheart, how are you?"

"I'm fine mom, I was playing barbies with Charlotte and also I have to tell you something", she almost lost her breath because she was speaking too fast and was so excited to tell her mom.

"Okay darling, just breathe and then tell me", Paula did so.

"Okay so I saw uncle Benny in the lobby earlier, you know... Benny, the one who was with you in ABBA", Frida started trembling and put her daughter on the floor and then cleaned her throat looking at Charlotte.

"She did when I was looking for the keys but we immediately came here", she explained. Frida went crazy, she had no idea that he would be there and also in the same hotel, she wasn't prepared for it.

"And what did he tell you?" She asked Paula.

"Nothing, he kept staring at me but he looks nicer in the pictures".

"Darling, why don't you continue playing? Mommy has something to do now". Frida called to Görel's room but she wasn't there, she rolled her eyes and knew that it had something to do with her.

"Mommy, I am hungry, can we go down to eat something?"

"Sure we can, take your coat and boots while I'm on a phone call, okay?" The girl did what her mother said with help of Charlotte and Frida called again Görel but she didn't take the phone call. She gave up and went with her daughter to go out to eat something. They went to a restaurant near, she didn't want to eat anything in the hotel just in case Benny was around.

When they were at the restaurant Frida kept thinking about it, Paula had ordered steak with French fries, Frida ordered fish with salad and broccoli, while Charlotte ordered the same but with rice. Paula was the whole time talking, honestly she never could to be quiet and asking a lot of things, Charlotte tried to answer her most of the things but Frida kept in silence the whole time because she was still nervous and only thinking about Benny. He saw his daughter for the first time and doesn't even know it, she already had planned going to Sweden after London but of course she wasn't planning to tell him the truth. "So mom, what do you think?" The little girl asked interrupting her thoughts.

"Yes, honey", she replied.

"Yes, what?" She was confused.

"What did you say?"

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