Chapter 9: Angel.

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When they arrived at the church of Lidingö, there was the press, Frida and Benny looked at each other, of course she had no intention of going out with all of them there, her pain didn't allow it. "What the hell are they doing here?" she said full of rage.

Hans got out of the car when he reached to see Görel at the door of the church and went to ask for help so that his mother could leave quietly. Görel told security officers and bodyguards to go to the car and prevent the press from approaching while she asked them to respect the privacy of the family.

First Benny left while the bodyguards created a barrier for journalists not to get close but that didn't stop them from taking pictures and asking about what had happened to their daughter, Benny turned around to wait for Frida to leave and when she did, was bombarded with questions that of course she didn't intend to answer. Benny took her hand and quickly walked to the church, she had dark glasses to prevent them from seeing her cry and the children went further back with bodyguards. When they finally entered the first one they saw was Görel who didn't hesitate to give them a big hug and none of course could hold the tears. Frida had to let the pain out more and more and that is why her crying began to be heard everywhere.

When she managed to regain her strength, they separated and when looked up she saw the coffin of her little girl in front of the altar, the pain in her soul was so intense that it didn't allow her to accept reality, nor did she want to. She walked straight to the coffin through the whole hall of the church and when stopped in front she felt the fire run through her blood again, sadness had flooded her life, she couldn't bear to see her little baby in that coffin with the eyes closed. She cried so much that her entire face was soaked and the drops of tears fell from her chin to the coffin. Her heart was simply broken into a thousand pieces.

Benny hugged her from behind supporting his chin on her shoulder while they both cried inconsolably looking at the baby's lifeless body. She ran her index finger across her daughter's pale face shaking her head. Neither of them explained why that happened to them, they had a lifetime ahead of them with their daughter but now everything had been ruined, that event changed their lives forever. She was so small, fragile, beautiful, loving, cheerful and they only wanted to save her from everything bad that could happen to her but they couldn't.

Görel, Stig and Eva-Lis had been in charge of preparing the funeral because neither Benny nor Frida had the head for that, in front of the coffin there was a beautiful portrait of Alice in which she smiled and next to it had a vase with flowers.
Frida began to sweat and tremble, took a deep breath for a few seconds and felt a hand that rested on her hand, it wasn't Benny because it was certainly the hand of a woman, when she looked at her side with her eyes full of tears could see her aunt Olive.

Without hesitation they both hugged each other and Frida was again broken in tears, Olive also cried when she saw her niece that way, "aunt, my daughter died," she said in a scratchy voice and complaining. Behind her were Arthur and Sølvi who also joined the hug, although Frida could feel the love nothing filled the emptiness she had for having lost her daughter, the pain was so big that nothing and nobody could never fill it. Then they hugged Benny who was next to them and although he tried to be stronger in his eyes showed the pain.

Frida felt like all the heat was cold again although her hands didn't stop sweating, she kept standing in front of the coffin while more people were still coming close to them and friends, coworkers, etc., when she could no longer went to sit down where the children were who couldn't even look at a place other than the floor.

Lotta took her hand and squeezed it and then kissed her cheek, she wanted her mom to feel she wasn't alone. "Mom, I love you so much," Frida looked at her and cried again hugging her daughter and kissed her hair, she wanted to answer but she couldn't, her voice didn't even come out.

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