Chapter 3: Can't Stand Her.

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Every week that passed Benny and Frida had the hope of conceiving a child and every 28 days Frida prayed that her period was absent and gave way to a pregnancy. The doctors had already told them that it was because after 30 years old the reproductive life was declining, it also greatly influenced the lifestyle of people.

Benny and Frida both smoked, drank alcohol, weren't so young and especially Benny had a lack of control in his eating habits and workout. That is why they had to undergo regimens in order to be more fertile and achieve a healthy pregnancy.

Every day they took advantage of the fact that they were in the summer to go out and do any activity that would keep them fit, also Frida started cooking more at home and thus they avoided processed meals, especially Benny. That night just had made love, she was lying on his chest while caressing him and he hugged her. "And if we don't succeed?" she asked kissing his chest.

"Honey, the doctor said it could take a while but we've been doing everything right, sure we will."

"I want you to promise me that whatever happens, we will always be you and me, together".

Benny sighed "you and I have always been together".

On Sunday they were going to sail with the children, they also invited Agnetha and maybe Björn would go with Lena. When they were boarding the yacht Frida began to feel suffocated and dizzy, she didn't say anything yet because she didn't want to ruin the trip, the children were excited.

Immediately she sat down and tried to smile when Benny asked her to remove the rope but instead she asked Hans. The yacht wobbled as usual as the water moved and that made her feel a knot in her stomach that started to rise and a small discomfort in the frontal sinus of her nose. Anyway, she begged for it to pass, when Benny put the yacht on the way to Viggsö she rested her head on the seat and closed her eyes putting on her sunglasses and breathing deep. "Not now," she thought.

Honestly, she didn't want to feel bad because needed to enjoy the day with her family but didn't know how long she could take it. Agnetha sat next to Frida trying to find conversation but although she wanted to answer it was very heavy.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" She asked confused.

"Yes, I'm fine," tried to smile but she couldn't take it anymore.

"Honey, I'll go down to lay down a little, whatever you need call me," Agnetha took her hand and looked at her trying to get her to tell her the truth. "I'm tired". She didn't add anything else and Agnetha let go of her hand. Benny was concentrating with Peter and Hans showing them some things from the yacht. They had two small rooms with beds barely for two people but it was enough.

Frida sat down putting her hands on her face, went to the bathroom and splashed water on her face to cool off and no longer feel so bad, then she drank water and lay on her back to rest and recover but the stomach upset still was there.

She closed her eyes and began to breathe deep and soft, in that Agnetha that had been worried went down to be completely sure that everything was fine. She came over and lay down beside her, when Frid noticed her presence she stepped a little to one side so they could both fit.

"You feel bad, right?"

"A little," answered while touching her stomach.

"Do you need something?"

"I feel like I want to sleep to eternity," she replied yawning.

"Well, then I'll go up so you can rest," she got up from the bed and just at that moment Frida also got up running almost pushing her and went to the bathroom. Agnetha of course went behind her and as Frida was lying on the floor with her face on the toilet vomiting, she helped her by holding her hair.

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