Chapter 44: Daughter-Father Day

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Benny got out of the car and went to the back seat to open the door, he leaned over and tried to unbuckle Paula's seat belt but she stopped him, "I can!" She withdrew his hand letting him know that she could do it on her own and then removed her belt. "I'm already a big girl, daddy," she added. Benny laughed and helped her down but that morning she had woken up electric or desperate.

"You have to wait for me," Benny warned her and she nodded, staying close to him. Benny reached for her barbie backpack, "come here," he told her to sling the backpack over her back but she refused.

"No, you take it," she refused. Benny shook his head and slung the backpack over his shoulder.

"Okay, let's go," he closed the car door and reached for his daughter's hand, who immediately took his. It was father-daughter day at school, so she was very excited, it was the first time in her life that she would take her dad to a school activity.

They both entered, the other children also had their fathers, so for the first time she felt part of something with respect to her father. She was walking down the hall holding his hand proudly, Benny looked down and noticed her happiness, he couldn't help but smile.

They arrived at the class room that Paula attended, she raised her arms so that he could carry her, holding his hand was not enough for her, she wanted to hold onto her father strongly. Benny leaned over and held her in his arms, despite having full weight on top of him. "Good morning, welcome!" Said Paula's teacher who was at the door receiving everyone.

"Good morning Miss Karlsson," Benny said.

"Hello," Paula raised her head and greeted her teacher and then they entered. Benny walked over to her daughter's desk and tried to seat her but she wouldn't let go of his neck. "I don't want..." she refused.

"Love, sit down like your other classmates," Paula smiled hearing him call her "love", he usually called her mother that way, so she felt special. She looked at her friend Anna who was already seated so she relented as well.

"Hello Anna!" She yelled causing the girl to shy away but they couldn't help but laugh. "Did you come with your dad?" she asked curious.

"Yeah, he's the one on the corner," Anna pointed to her dad who was talking with others.

"Look at mine," when Paula was going to show her dad she turned to look for him, but she didn't notice when Benny separated from her side and caught a glimpse of him across the class room. She frowned and got up from her desk to look for him, taking aggressive steps towards her father. Benny, who was talking to other parents and with his hands in his pockets looked at his daughter approaching him, she held his pants because she couldn't reach his hand.

"Hey, what's up?" Benny asked.

"I wanted my friend Anna to see you but you left my side," she claimed. Benny shook his head and went to his daughter to make her happy. Paula returned to her seat and addressed her friend, "This is my dad Benny Andersson."

"I know who he is," Anna replied. "My mom has all the ABBA albums."

"Do you know ABBA?" Paula was surprised.

"Everyone does?"

"Pappa," Paula turned away feeling a little possessive. "Why does everyone know you?"

"Mom and I are artists, don't you remember?" Paula knew it, she remembered it and she had certainly been recognized on multiple occasions on the street, the question was absurd, but since it was her friend she wanted to have the exclusive right to show her dad without the need for her to know who he was.

"Sure," Paula's mouth twisted.

"Good morning fathers, welcome to the classroom," they were interrupted by the assistant teacher, who was about to start the day. "We wanted to make the day fathers and children so that they can spend quality time together and so that they can share with all of us what life is like together," she added.

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