Jill Valentine (*)

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asterisk (*) means there is sensitive content, I'll place it at least two paragraphs before that part starts


"This is the fifth time I had to get you from the Principal's office! What the hell were you thinking about spray painting the white boards!" Jill lectures while she kept her eyes on the road. "They nearly kicked you out of the school! And it would be the second time if it happened!"

"It won't happen again, I'm sorry." You fumbled with your fingers. You placed your tongue at the roof of your mouth so you wouldn't cry. Luckily, that tricked has never failed you.

"It better not, you know my job, right? I can't always be here with you and we don't have any relatives here."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry... " you hated what you were feeling right now. You thought it was the only way you could get back at that grimy man for what he did to you and your friends. Anything else would just be too much.

As much as you hated that old, disgusting, professor, you couldn't bring yourself to hurt him.

The car pulled on the driveway and you stepped out of the car as Jill shut the engine. You got inside the house and the first thing you saw was Chris and Piers at the living room, munching on some popcorn while watching some boxing match.

Chris was the first one to notice you.

"Hey, kid. What happened at school?" Chris asks.

"Just a little trouble, but it's all fixed." You faked a chuckle as you removed your shoes and Jacket. you hung your jacket on the wall and placed your shoes on a rack and quickly went upstairs.

(*)"Want some popcorn?" You hear Piers ask you as you jogged up the stairs.

"No thanks!" You loudly replied. You stepped in your room and pressed the lock on your door.

They can never know what happened, you thought. It's better this way, I can handle this... Besides, school's over. It won't matter anymore.

Or at least that's what you thought. You thought maybe in a  couple of days you'd forget about it but for some odd reason it just became more vivid in your mind.

The monster's wrinkly hands, his tobacco scented breath, that sadistic look in his eyes...

And you hated it.

He was getting closer to you, a sick grin plastered on his face. You were screaming for help but no one was coming.

"(name)! WAKE UP! (name!)" You heard a familiar voice, and on that exact moment, your eyes open.

And there was Jill sitting next to you with Chris at the doorway and it looked like he was holding something in his hand.

You sat up straight as you tried to calm yourself down.

"(name), this has been happening for nearly a week now... Is there something you're not telling me?" Jill asks cautiously as she cups your face with both her hands.

"What's wrong? Tell me..."

"It's just us" Chris adds as he walks in the room and sits next to Jill. "You can tell us anything."

"Mr. Krasner, my gym teacher... he... he..." Your hands were shaking as you lowered the turtle neck you were wearing to show them the marks on your neck.

"Oh my, God!"

"Jesus Christ, what the fuck!" The two of them spoke at the same time.

"Why didn't you tell me? When? How?"

"He threatened us!" You began to sob. "He said he was going to show everyone our pictures, and the videos in his office... I didn't know what to do! Destroying all his stuff, spray painting his room was all I could do just so I could get back at him for what he did!"

"He has pictures of us, sis, I don't know what to do... I tried to get all of his stuff so I could burn it but I couldn't find it!"

"Don't you worry" She wipes the tears on my face, "He'll pay for what he did to you, do you understand me? I'll make him, pay. I promise—" She pulled you in for a hug and you continued to sob on her shoulder.

It felt like a weight was removed from your chest after you told her, and it felt nice. Your eyes land on Chris and you saw how red his eyes looked.

"We'll take care of it, all right?" Chris reassured you.

You nod, "Thank you" You tell him.


I thought I could do a little update spree since school is close to starting and I might go on a really long hiatus again.

who knows maybe I can update again tomorrow...


Resident Evil Imagines/One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora