Mr. X - Final part

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Was it a bit odd to have this giant creature just following you around? Yes. Were you complaining about it? Absolutely not. It had done nothing but protect you and Leon throughout your entire rounds in the RPD. It followed your orders with no question at all; wait for them while they explored a smaller room, kill the zombies, lickers, or whatever monster that came your way.

Even Ada, the woman you both had met in the parking garage was shocked with your current situation. 

After that horrible trudging in the sewers, you've finally made it to the NEST. It quietly followed you as you went to look for the G-virus. Ada said that it was evidence needed by the FBI. Something in your gut was telling you that it was a bit off, that there was something missing with what Ada had said but you didn't have anything against her and Leon seemed to trust her.

A lot.

While the lickers were being taken care of by your unexpected body guard, you and Leon went into a lab. The room was dimly lit and empty, but there was one computer that was open. You approached it and read some of the emails that were open while Leon went to the other room that was connected to this lab.


I heard about that new patient of yours, was it true? The testing was a success? That's fucking crazy man! I can't believe you actually pulled it off. You're definitely getting that promotion. After all that trial and error, and countless people we had to dispose of, you actually managed to find the perfect subject.


Your felt your stomach drop at the thought that popped in your head. Could it be...? After all, it was umbrella that provided you the sample drug that cured you.

There was a reply under that email.

Hi Richard,

Yeah, I honestly didn't expect it either hahaha, subject 0326 was definitely the least person I would expect it to match, but hey, I guess luck was on my side. Oh, and for the promotion? It's definitely going to be mine. Drinks are on me tonight.

Wayne Li.

Wayne Li, Wayne Li... that name. You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, hands shaking and sweating as your heart began to thump erratically in your chest.

"Hey, (name), I think I found... are you okay?" You hear Leon ask from behind you but you paid him no mind. You went through the other files on the computer, finding a folder named 'T test subjects'.

You clicked on it and thousands of files came into view, making you sick to your stomach.

"(Name), talk to me, what's going on? Are you okay?"

"I just need a moment, Leon, please," The crack on your voice made Leon worry, and since he wasn't getting any answers from you, he decided to look at the monitor as you typed in 'subject 0236' on its search bar. One file popped up. He watched as you clicked on it and the first thing that he saw was your face, two photos of it.

One was when you were sick; eyes were dark and sunken, skill pale and face so slim. The other was just the one that was taken this week. You looked healthier, with more life. The text that followed after your picture was something neither of you expected.

'Subject 0326, or (name) (last name) was subjected to the t-virus to see its effects on human, organic matter. It has been shown on the previous test subjects that despite the t-virus having capabilities of healing its host of wounds and granting them strength, it does attack the brain and causes the subject to lose its consciousness and become aggressive, and cannibalistic. Because of this, the ones who have turned are to be disposed of immediately via incineration to help prevent the spread of the virus in the facility.

Often times the subjects that were chosen are those who are terminally ill, this is to prevent suspicion, or even awareness of the current testing.

Subject 0326's case is one of a kind, it seems that her body was compatible with the t-virus, thus, it healed her of her illness. The researcher has done numerous testing on her, and has seen that the antibodies she has is the one that is needed in order to create the perfect Bio-organic weapon. The researcher has gathered enough blood sample for them to study, and hopefully, to replicate the virus in her body.

If not possible to replicate the antibodies, it is advised that 'Subject 0236' must remain in the facility until further notice.

As of now, Subject 0326's antibodies will be used to creating T-00. Updates will be added once the trial begins.

So many emotions were going through your head right now; anger, pain, betrayal...sadness. It made you feel like you were going crazy. It made you question if it was worth it being alive, knowing that it was at the expense of being used as a weapon of destruction. You couldn't bring yourself to read the rest of the document, already feeling ill with the information you had just read.

You couldn't help but think of your poor parents, they probably thought that this was just a bit of luck to have come in your way.

"(name)!" Your knees began to feel like jelly, luckily Leon was there to catch you when you were about to fall. You pulled Leon's vest close to you as you sobbed loudly, just feeling the need to be close to someone. Leon held you, gently rubbing your back as he comforted you.

The door to the room had shifted open and you and Leon's attention shifted there.  It had entered the room, bowing as it did so it can fit through the door. Its attention was on you. You pulled away from Leon, wiping your tears as you thanked him before approaching it.

Up until now you still didn't know what to call it.  And that added another ache in your chest,  since you knew that there was a chance that this was once human. It once had a life of its own before he was taken, by force, and experimented on. You stopped in front of it, looking up to its face. And as you did so, something caught your eye, it was the label 'T-00' on its trench coat.

You took in a sharp breath, tearing your gaze away from it as you closed your eyes, not wanting your tears to spill anymore. With a shaky breath, you opened your eyes again and looked back to it. "I'm going to make umbrella pay for what they did to you, I promise," You held its significantly larger hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, and somehow, it did the same to you.

And that tiny gesture from it was the one thing that made you certain you were going to keep your promise.

"Come on," You look back to Leon, "Let's find that virus and get the hell out of here,"


And this sums up the Mr. X request! I hope you guys liked it. If you guys have any requests, leave them down below or dm me.

- dany

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