Alcina Dimitrescu pt.2

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A few years later...

Alcina walked into the main hall, calling out to Cassandra. Alcina waited for her daughter but she did not appear. A feeling of dread appeared in her chest as the realization of all her daughters dead came to her mind. They never took this long to come to her, not once have they made her wait when she calls for them.

She was livid, shouting as she spoke, "No! They were all I had and you took them from me! How much blood and sweat do you think it took to raise those daughters?! You have incurred and impossible debt!" She swears before exiting the main hall and heading to the dining area, looking for the wretched man who did it.

Alcina followed the man's trails; the footprints, droplets of blood and smears on the wall or wherever and she sees him in the church, facing the coffin that was sealed with a heavy lid. Alcina approached him, lifting him in the air by his neck. The man yelped, struggling as he tried to loosen her grip on him.

"You've ruined everything!" Alcina unsheathed her claws and stabs his ribs, letting go of the man's neck as his body hung on her metal claws. It took Alcina by surprise when he stabbed her on the side by the poisoned dagger that was sealed in the coffin. She threw the man outside the window as she writhed in pain, her body convulsing as she felt her bones crack. Her body began to change, her body rapidly growing and turning into something grotesque.

The chapel's walls broke when she pushed it. Long gone was her very feminine figure and beautiful face as she turned into a hideous beast, her arms gone, replaced by gigantic tentacles that spread to her back and her torso looked life a dragon's body. "Flesh, and bones! I will devour all of you!" She cried out as the last bit of sanity left her mind, consuming her was nothing but melancholy and anger.

Alcina did what she could to kill the man, but he was quick to hide and duck from her attacks, and it seemed that he would heal quickly from all the beatings she would give to him. With each bullet that hit her, she felt weaker. Her body wasn't capable of healing at a quick pace unlike before. She didn't want to go out that quickly, not before she could avenge her daughters. She flew towards the part of the castle where the man had hid. As the walls crashed she saw him on the floor, not wanting him to escape, she latched a tentacle to his feet and brought him with her as the floors beneath them cracked. Alcina closed her eyes, blocking out everything as she waited for the impact, there was no point in living for her, she was all alone now.

Alcina gasped as she woke up covered in a thin layer of sweat, feeling a hard, rough surface under her. She felt confused, quickly taking a look at her arms and seeing them back to normal. She touched her face, and sat up as she went to look down at her lower body, seeing her still in her fine-silk dress. Everything that happened felt surreal, her hand instinctively reaching to her side when she was supposedly stabbed. Her heart was thumping loudly as she tried to process her surroundings. She was in the church, the other lords as well but they were all knocked out, and at the very middle of the pews that they sat on was the man that had killed her daughters. His hands were tied by chains that was nailed to the floor, his body slumped unconscious as well.

Feeling anger buble in her chest, she quickly got up from the floor and unsheathed her claws, this time making sure to get rid of the man quickly for what he did.

"Alcina," She heard a familiar voice, someone she hadn't heard of and yearned to hear for a long time. She looked to the stage where the sound came from and saw Mother Miranda holding a baby, and you standing next to her. You looked different, older and stronger. You weren't dressed in your old, worn-out clothes like before. This time you wore a fine cloth, the colors rich and looked expensive. You have a maroon top on and a black vest with gold engravings and rare stones sewn on it, tucked in a black pants that was also tucked in your heeled, black leather boots. You also had a crossbow that was slung on your back.

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