Mr. X pt. 1

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Here it is! I hope you like it so far, part 2 will be up soon!


Six months. Those two words haunted your thoughts ever since your heard the doctor's say it. Six months were the estimated time you have left before you succumb to your illness. You grew up ill majority of your life, always in and out of the hospital. Though back then you still had more hope, seeing that the results you were getting was promising. The improvements were painfully slow, but, a slow progress is a better than nothing, right?

It was all unexpected, one day your body just ached all over, you couldn't move, couldn't sleep, couldn't stand on your own. What made your condition worsen was still a mystery to all of the doctors that have checked you. You did everything right, stuck to the schedule of your chemotherapy, drank numerous vitamins and supplements, and even ate nothing but nutrient dense whole foods. It felt like the world was against you, and it made you bitter and angry.

You hated living, hated seeing the people around you being healthy and independent. What made you be more resentful is how you knew that they all pitied you. They don't way anything about it, but you can see it with the way they looked at you.

Here you are at the hospital, hearing nothing but the beeping of the machine next to you. You wanted to just stay at home, and have your final moments with your parents, but they were always busy with work. This was the most convenient way to take care of you. Your family was well off, that's the reason why you even managed to live this long. You picked up the remote on the nightstand next to your bed and turned the TV on, one of your favorite music videos was being played, and so you left it on that channel.

While you quietly hummed to the beat, the door to your room opened. It was your parents, your dad was holding a bouquet of flowers while your mom was holding a brown paper bag that looked like it had food in it.

"Hi, sweetie, happy birthday!" You Mom had a smile on her face as she approached you. She kissed the top of your head before setting the paper bag down at the nightstand next to you. Your dad did the same, when your dad went to the other side of the bed that was when you noticed a doctor also walked into the room with them.

You looked at the blond man in the coat before looking back at your parents, "Uhm... Mom, Dad?"

"Oh, this is Doctor Li, he's a doctor at Umbrella." Umbrella, you've heard of them before. They were all over the news because of the medical discoveries they've had these past few years.

"You must be (name), right?"

You nod weakly, "Yes, that's me."

"We've heard about your case, and one of our researchers are currently working on a drug that can help cure the illness that you have. It's still on trial, but the results we've had were very promising."


She held your hand gently, her eyes looking into yours. "Your father and I talked about this, and, we... we were hoping if..." She tore her gaze away from yours and looked at your father, who you looked back too and see that was looking at your mother and then you.

"We were hoping if you wanted to participate in the trials, seeing that the results were great. This can probably be it," You dad placed his hand on your shoulder, gently caressing it with his thumb.

You wanted to disagree, since the medications have always made you either high, or in pain, and that you really had accepted where you were heading, but seeing the hopefulness in their eyes swayed you.

You had a lot of anger in the world, but you loved your parents dearly. And so, you agreed, for your parents.

Everything was settled, the doctor had the contract ready. He explained everything that was written in it; the procedure of your clinical trials, how long, the name of the drug they were developing, the NDC, and a waiver that they made you sign as well. Your parents went on to schedule your transfer to Raccoon city as soon as possible, Umbrella's Main Headquarter.

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