Chris Redfield pt. 2

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Warning: Gore, guns, and violence ahead.

"You stay here, all right?" You tell your little sister. You two were in a small shack you built a few months ago, it wasn't too far from the village, but it still kept a safe distance from the rampage currently happening. You built this spot as a safe space for your little sister for this very day.

"Don't leave, please?" She looks up to you, her eyes teary and red. "I'm scared."

"I need you to be brave for me right now, okay?" You say as you got down on one knee, wiping the tears on her face. "You want to help me, right? This is how you help, you stay here and watch over this—" You pat the small sack of crystals next to her. You were going to sell it for some money once Miranda is gone. "—Make sure that it doesn't get out of your sight, we'll need it once I take care of... Some things with mother Miranda,"

"Are we free from her?"

"Almost, we're almost free. I just need you to give me more time. Okay?" You reply and she nods. "I'll come back, I promise." You kiss her forehead before heading to the door, making sure you closed it properly before heading back to the village, the few loyal werewolves you had left trailing behind you.

Everything was worse that before. It was almost like hell on earth. Houses were on fire, the wolves were scattered everywhere, some were eating the corpses of the villagers.

A strong breeze hit your face and you caught a whiff of Chris's scent. You followed it, and it lead you to the center of the village where there was this new giant structure standing. It was oddly shaped, it was almost like giant veins or tree trunks that had burst out of the ground. It was slimy, and pulsating, almost as if it was alive. Werewolves were guarding it.

You heard Chris shouting into his earpiece and before you could make out what he was saying you heard a sharp piercing sound, which was then followed by the loud crashing of the newly-built fortress in the center of the city. A bright light had hit it from the sky, catching you off guard.

Chris had his back turned to you, and from your field of vision you could see a werewolf about to lunge at him. You rushed towards the creature, plunging your hand in its chest and pulled its heart out. The werewolf's body went limp as it landed on the ground as you threw its heart somewhere. You turned to Chris and his eyes were on you.

"You need to be more alert," You told him, it almost sounded like you were scolding him.

"Yeah, thanks," He replies. He shifts his gaze away from you and proceeds to load his gun and quickly fired at the one charging behind him. The shots landing on the creature's chest and head. "Any update on what Miranda's up to?"

You shake your head, "She's still busy preparing the ceremonial site." You turned to your werewolves and raised your hand, giving them the signal to attack the other hostile werewolves heading you and Chris's way. He took something out of his vest and aimed it at the giant structure once more. Another bright light appeared from the sky and landed on the oddly shaped structure, and it collapsed, effectively killing those who were guarding it at the top and the ones below it.

Underneath the fallen structure was a cave. You have never seen it before, hell, you didn't even know that it existed, but there was something in there that seemed so familiar to you... almost as if it was calling to you.  Chris walked ahead of you, snapping you out of your thoughts as his shoulder hit yours gently. You follow behind him as he headed inside the cave. The cave was dimly lit, but it didn't bother you as much since you have sharp eyesight, Chris on the other hand had to turn his flashlight on.

Oddly enough, the cave was warm. It made you wonder why. There was barely any signs of life inside, not to mention you were in the mountains where the sun only shined two-to-three times a year.

As you two trudged deeper into the cave, you spotted the thing that was calling out to you. It was hard to miss, anyway. It was massive. It was a big, hunk of flesh that hung in the middle of  the cave. This was the megamycete, the one that gave Miranda her powers, it was also the one that made you and your sister into who you were now.

It was pulsating, making random squelching noises as it moved.

Chris busied himself with the C4 as he set it up. You on the other hand felt drawn to the megamycete. Slowly, you approached it and gave in to your curiosity and gently touched it.

"(name)" You hear your mother's name. A loud gasp left your lips as you pulled your hand away from it in shock.

"Are you all right?" You hear Chris ask but didn't answer, you were too pre-occupied with hearing your mother's voice again.

"Mama," You whispered, a tear slipping from your eye as you went to touch the megamycete once more. But the voice was gone, you couldn't hear it anymore. The pain of loosing her hit you again. All these years you longed for her, you never really moved on from it, just kept the pain buried somewhere else.

"Hey! Hey!" An annoyed voice was calling out to you, but you paid no mind to it. You felt someone roughly turn you around. It was Chris, his hand holding yours that was on the megamycete. A worried frown appeared on his face upon seeing your teary eyes. "Are you okay?"

"I...uh..." You took a few breaths to calm yourself down. "...Nothing...I—"

"I will always be with you two," You hear your mother's voice again, making you quickly turn your head to the megamycete.

"I... I need...I need some air," You pull yourself away from Chris's grasp and quickly rushed out of the cave, wiping the tears from your eyes as you did so.

Chris quickly planted the bomb on the megamycete and followed you. The way you acted made him worry, you always had your composure, and you barely showed any emotion when the two of you talked. He did manage to catch up to you, but he just kept quiet. He got the hint that it wasn't something that you wanted to talk about.

When the two of you reached the exit of the cave, you turned to him. Eyes are red from crying but you had your composure back.

"Mother Miranda is probably done with the ceremony, I'll head there now to see what's happening. I'll give you an update in case something else happens,"

Chris nods at you, "All right,"

And so, you went on your way to the ceremonial sight, the few loyal werewolves you have left following right behind you.


Hi! here's part two! I'm so sorry it took me so long to get back to updating again, I've been so busy with my thesis and other school requirements. Hopefully I can go back to my usual writing sched since I only need to finalize my final report and e portfolio. I hope you guys aren't too mad I basically just disappeared. 

Hopefully, I can post the final part of this request in a few days. I'm also working on the other requests given to me.


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