Chris Redfield

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hey, here it is I hope you like it!


You finished prepping dinner, and so you went upstairs to fetch your husband, Chris, and your only son, Nathan. As you approached Nathan's room, you heard muffled voices that got more comprehensible as you got closer.

"Dad, how long will you be staying home?" Nathan was sitting on his bed next to Chris, their backs facing you.

"I don't know," Was Chris's honest reply. "My job is... it's very difficult and... and I have to be there when they need me," Chris was struggling to explain himself. He did want Nathan to know what he does so he would understand, but at the same time, he didn't want to ruin the child's innocence. Nathan is just a kid, after all. He didn't need to know the harsh reality the world exists in yet.

"Mommy misses you all the time," You quietly opened the door and saw them sitting next to each other, their backs facing you. They were both facing the window, the cool breeze from outside hitting their faces gently. "And me too, I wish you were here longer,"

Nathan began to sniff as his hands went to his face and it broke your and Chris's heart. Chris picked him up and pulled Nathan to his chest, wrapping both his arms around his father's neck, his quiet sobs echoing in the room.

"Hey," You made yourself known to them, "Nate, didn't you tell me you have something to show daddy?" You say as you walked closer to them, sitting on the bed at the opposite side of them as you gently caressed Nathan's head. You hoped that reminder would be enough to stop your son from crying and to get him distracted. Luckily, it worked. Nathan nods, leaning away from Chris.

"Show me, what is it?" Chris asks with a smile. He sets Nathan down and the boy quickly rushes to his bag which was sitting at the corner near his door. He pulls out a bunch of paper and rushes back to Chris without zipping his bag.

"Look! It's you and aunt Claire!" Nathan lifts the paper up to Chris, fully extending his arm up in the air. It was a sloppy drawing of two people. Chris couldn't help but chuckle at how Nathan drew his uniform. He found it adorable. You moved closer to the two but didn't disturb them. "What do you think? Do you like it?"

"I love it, it's like looking in the mirror," Chris replied as he picked Nathan up from the ground, setting him on his lap. Nathan smiles and shows Chris another drawing. "And this is you and mommy!"

Nathan went on and on about his drawings, about who it is, why he drew them. Chris found it refreshing to listen to someone so innocent go on about their day, free from stress, from pain, and full of nothing but enthusiasm. You leaned your head on Chris's shoulder and he went to give your forehead a kiss, his free hand reaching out to yours.

In the middle of talking, Nathan gasped when he looked outside of his window. You and Chris quickly looked, worried at what it might be. There were a bunch of fireflies outside, a stark contrast to the dimly lit yard.

"Mommy! Daddy! Can we go outside? Please?" Nathan asks, folding his hands and getting his papers wrinkled.

"Sure buddy but we have to eat dinner first, okay?" You tell him and he nods. "Go put your papers back in your bag and I'll set up the table,"

And so you went and got the table ready, and you three had dinner in peace, well, it wasn't entirely peaceful because you had to keep reminding Nathan to slow down with his food so he wouldn't choke on it.

You couldn't help but chuckle at him when he was done, he quickly rushed out of his seat while repeatedly chanting fireflies in an enthusiastic tone.

"Go," You tell Chris as you nod your head to the side. "I'll take care of the dishes this time,"

"All right," Chris gives you a smile before pushing his seat back and following Nathan. Picking up the dishes, you stacked them all before placing them in the sink, rinsing the bits off it first. You look at the window in front of the sink and saw Chris chasing after Nathan who was chasing the fireflies, raising his fist in the air to try and catch one in his hands.

Chris did manage to catch up to him, lifting Nathan up in the air and placing him on his shoulders. Nathan had a smile plastered on his face, giggling as he held onto Chris's hair while he went and jogged, and swayed around the lot.

Sighing, you couldn't help but have a smile on your face the entire time you went and did the dishes, cleaning them as fast as you could so you could join the two.


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