Karl Heisenberg

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"How are you feeling, sister?" You hear Bela's voice as she flew down the stairs, standing beside the couch that you sat on, "Do you need anything? Food? Water? Mother said you weren't allowed to drink any of the wine,"

"I'm all right, sister. Just resting before I head back to the factory with Karl," You replied. You were six months pregnant, with twins according to the town's doctor. Your hormones weren't as out of control unlike your first trimester but now your kid seemed to be too active in your belly, moving around and kicking pretty much throughout the day.

Karl needed to be away for a few days, he said that Mother Miranda needed him to scour the woods in case any outsiders try to come in the village. He couldn't bring you with him since it was dangerous, and at the same time, couldn't leave you in the factory since there were a lot of soldats there that he still needs to work on. They tend to wander around the place.

So, he had no choice but to bring you back to the castle, to your mother, who gladly accepted you with open arms.

"The week flew by so quickly sister, we were hoping you can stay with us a bit longer," You could hear the sadness in your oldest sister's voice.

"I'll still visit from time-to-time, don't worry," You reassured her as you went to place your hand on a spot on your stomach where one of your children kicked.

"See? Even our future little angels agree with me! Don't you, little ones?" Bela bends her knee to your the level of your belly and gently rubs another spot where the baby had kicked.

"I think she's agreeing with me," You replied in a playful manner, a smile on your face.

"No, I definitely think it was with me--" And right that sentence, the baby kicked again, making the two of you giggle.

The doors from the dining area opened and Alcina enters the main hall, bending so that she can pass through the doors. "I can hear the two of you giggling from the courtyard. How are you feeling, dear?"

"I'm all right mother, my babies are just too active today," You explained as Bela stood up, patting the wrinkles off of her dress. "Bela's been here with me, helping me move around the house," You look at your sister and she smiles at you.

"Anything for my little sister," Bela replies with a smile. And at that exact moment, you hear the castle doors open, which was followed by heavy footsteps. Alcina knew who it was, and she rolled her eyes, but turned away so you wouldn't see it. She knew how much it would hurt you to see her still not be so fond of Heisenberg.

She's trying, she really is. But she found it difficult to like him.

Karl came into your view, a warm feeling spreading through your chest at the sight of him. Bela helped you get up from the couch and you rushed to your husband, as much as you could anyway.

"How are you feeling? You look well-rested, love," Heisenberg planted a kiss on the top of your head.

"I am, mother and my sisters were always by my side since I got here," You look up to your mother and then to your sister and they both smiled at you.

"I'll go and see if Cassandra and Daniela are done packing your stuff," Bela speaks up as she slowly turned into a cloud of bugs, and flew up to the second floor of the castle.

"Thank you for accepting the request on such a short notice," You hear Heisenberg say to your mother. "I really do appreciate it,"

"No need to thank me, little brother, she is still my daughter after all," Alcina replies before puffing in smoke from her cigarette and then puffing it out. "My doors will always be open to her... and to you as well, I suppose," Karl bit his tongue to refrain himself at letting out a remark for her passive-aggressiveness towards him. He knew that it would hurt you if they argued right in front of you.

Instead, Heisenberg turned his attention back to you, "I have a surprise for you. It's back at the factory, I think you'll like it."

"What is it?" You couldn't help but ask, curious to know what he had set up.

"If I tell you now, it wouldn't be a surprise now, would it?"

You playfully roll your eyes at him, "Fine. I suppose I'll wait until we get back home,"

Your sisters came back down a few moments later with your luggage being carried by the maids. You had bid them, and your mother goodbye before setting foot out of the castle. You weren't going to lie to yourself and pretend as if you don't miss your old life in this castle. This was where you spent a good majority of your life growing up.

Though Karl's factory was a drastic change to your past life, you couldn't help but like it as well. It was a part of your husband, it was something he cherished and cared for.

Karl held you close when you shivered because of the strong cool wind that hit you. His arm was around you, his hand gently holding onto your arm as he pulled you close to his chest. The maids walked ahead, carrying your stuff to Heisenberg's carriage. Making sure to be careful that they don't break the glass memorabilia your sister's packed in there as well.

While the maids were busy carefully packing your stuff at the back of the carriage. He helped you get in the carriage first before him. When the maids were done, they bid the two of you farewell and shut the doors.

The trip wasn't that long, and so the two of you just sat in comfortable silence throughout the entire trip, your hand on his and your head on his shoulder.

When you got to the factory, he held your hand as you got out of the carriage. Heisenberg let you back in the factory, and the first thing you noticed was how clean the place was. No more random scraps of metal everywhere, even that awful stench of oil was barely there.

He let go of your hand and snaked that arm around your waist. "Come on, its upstairs," You quietly followed him, wondering what the gift could be. You both walked past your shared room, leading you to another room that was at the end of the hallway.

This room was familiar to you, it was just his scrap room. The room was barely usable due to the broken ceiling and the dangling wires on the ceiling.

Karl opened the door to the room and the first thing you see was a fully furnished room. The two of you walked in the room and you couldn't help but look at your surroundings in awe. The room looked beautiful. The walls were pained white and the floors were polished. The ceiling was fixed and has pretty lights on it. What caught your attention the most were the cribs at the end of the room that was beside the window.

The carvings on the wood were so beautiful and intricate.

"Do you like it? I figured it was time for us to set up our child's room and I didn't want you doing any work that can stress you," Karl asks as he let go of you.

"Karl, it's beautiful! I love it! How long did you work on this? When?" The smile on your face made Karl's chest warm up. He was very happy that you liked it.

"Doesn't matter, it's all done now anyway," He smiles down at you. "I have another one for you, actually," He takes something out of his pocket; a small, black box. "Here," He hands it to you and you take it.

You open the small box and see a very beautiful ring. There was a big, white rock in the middle of it, and it was surrounded by smaller pink ones.

"'Karl, I..."

"...Well... what do you think?"

"It's beautiful, Karl. I love it!"

"Good, that's good to hear," He replies as he takes the ring out of the box, taking your hand placing it on your ring finger, right above your wedding ring. "It suits you,"

"Thank you, Karl, you're so sweet to me," You lean to kiss him and he catches your lips with his. "Always so sweet to me," You say after your pulled away from him.

"Anything for you, you know that," Karl tucks a stand of your hair behind your ear. He gently places the same hand over your belly, "And anything for these little ones too, soon. Are you hungry? The duke just delivered a fresh batch of cherries and apricots this morning?"

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