Chapter 36: New Home

Start from the beginning

But no matter, Reaper didn't have to worry about them anymore. For once, Reaper was actually glad for the rules made by the higher up gods and those same rules apply to Geno, as well.

Reaper had initially thought that those rules might be too harsh on Geno but after what happened, after what they had done, Reaper had a change of mind. In fact, he'll be glad to enforce those rules over Geno if it means sparing the latter of any more distress.

Soon, they found a good spot to build a new house. In the middle of the three trees overrun with vines that hangs from the high branches and around. Making the area looked as if there were curtains made of leaves drawn to hide the trees itself. A perfect hiding spot.

While Ink and Reaper started on building the house, Geno walked off to the side and sat on the edge of the nearby tiny, shallow stream; wanting to have a bit of space and time alone. Letting his restless mind to wander as he watches the clear water wrinkles on the surface as it runs over the mossy rocks and gold nuggets.

Not that he's of any help anyway. He didn't think his opinion matters, too. It wasn't his house. It was Reaper's. So he has the right to decide over everything. He's nothing more than a freeloader.

Geno's shoulders further sag. A part of him wonders why he's even here. He doesn't belong here. Was he even allowed here? If he wasn't allowed here, where will he go? He has nowhere to go. He has no universe of his own. He's just a lost soul. Does his whole existence mean anything anymore?

Questions after questions spawned in Geno's head. The more he thought about it, the more clouded his mind becomes, the less he wanted to continue with this life. He just doesn't see the purpose.


Meanwhile, Reaper was having trouble focusing on his current task at guiding Ink with the house's structure and design. Even though Ink had been throwing a bunch of ideas at him, Reaper's mind was too preoccupied to pay attention.

Geno has been very quiet since they came here. He hasn't spoken a word. Now he's there, sitting alone, head bowed and looking absolutely defeated. Reaper was worried. Even more so that now he doesn't know what to do.

"I don't understand!" Reaper burst out at Ink who blinked at him from his position on top of a partially made concrete wall.

"Oh, that's simple," Ink exclaimed. "We're gonna infuse the walls with-"

"No, no! Not the house!" Reaper cut him off, "I meant Geno!" and made a huge gesture with his hands and arms at the said small skeleton's direction.

Ink blinked twice, his shape-shifting mismatched eyes turned to Geno and stared for a moment as if scanning the latter to see what's wrong before jumping down and landing next to the god of death. "What about Geno?"

"You said I shouldn't tell Geno yet because there's a 'right time and place'," Reaper began, looking at Ink in the eyes, who nodded to confirm the statement. "Earlier," Reaper continued, "when we were alone, I thought it was the perfect chance. I thought it was the right time." Reaper's shoulders sagged and bowed his head as his mood visibly depleted. " I told him."

"...and?" Ink encouraged.

Reaper looked away to the side. "He didn't believe me." His hand automatically went to his other arm, rubbing it up and down as an unconscious act of comforting himself.

Ink's eyes softened as a shallow sigh left him. "I told you," he muttered and turned away, ready to go back to work. He was about to leap when Reaper grabs his arm.

"But it really felt like it!" Reaper insists, "It really felt like I should tell him! We were on the topic! If that wasn't it, then what? When?" Reaper was almost desperate to know. "How will I know if it's the right time?"

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