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Hey you awake? Can I take you on
Our 2 am date tonight (like right now)?

Yes I'm awake and yes I want to go
On a date

I'll be at your house in 10 minutes


Hyunjin quickly got ready for the date and by the time he was finished he got a text from Seungmin saying that he was outside and ran downstairs and opened his door to see Seungmin

"Hi" Seungmin said to him

"Hi, where are we going?" Hyunjin asked as he stepped outside and closed the door behind him

"It's not that special but it's a surprise" Seungmin told him

Hyunjin pouted as they both got into Seungmin's car

The ride to wherever Seungmin was planning on taking them consisted of them both quietly singing or humming to songs on the radio until they finally reached their destination after about 20 minutes of driving

"We're here" Seungmin said to Hyunjin who looked like he was about to pass out

Seungmin started to feel bad, maybe he should have just waited and told him ahead of time so he could have gotten some rest

"Hyunjin, if your too tired we can come another time" he offered

"No! I'm not tired, it's just from the car ride"

"Okay, let's go then" Seungmin said as they both got out of the car

It was pretty dark where they were but the stars lit up the sky

"Woah, where are we?"

"One of my favorite places ever" Seungmin replied simply as he grabbed Hyunjin's hand and started pulling him off to somewhere

They eventually got to a small bridge and they both sat down against one side and looked up at the sky

"This is basically what we did on our last date but I wanted to show you this place" Seungmin said

"I love it" Hyunjin said while looking away from the sky and towards Seungmin

"That's good" Seungmin replied as he looked back at Hyunjin and smiled

"I have a question" Hyunjin started "did you only tell me you loved me so that I would stay up then you could ask me on this date?"

"Possibly, but I really do love you so I wasn't just saying it for that reason. I mean it"Seungmin said not breaking eye contact with Hyunjin

They both slowly leaned in and kissed each other, it lasted longer than any of their previous kisses and they both smiled at each other when they pulled away

"I love you too, can I ask you that question that I wanted to ask you earlier now?" Hyunjin asked

"Can I ask you a question first? It's really important"

"Mine is really important too" Hyunjin defended

"Please Jinnie?" Seungmin asked as he pouted slightly

"Stop using your cuteness against me!"

"Is it working?" Seungmin asked

"Pfft no"

"Mhm, can I ask my question now?"

"I want to ask you my question first, I've been waiting longer"


"Fine, what's so important? You can go first" Hyunjin finally agreed

Seungmin started nervously playing with Hyunjin's hand before he finally managed to start getting the words out

"Will you...."

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