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Hyunjin woke up to someone opening the door

"Hello, sorry to wake you up. I just wanted to check up on Seungmin before I go to work" Seungmin's mom said to Hyunjin who bowed his head to her

"I'm so so sorry that this happened" Hyunjin said to her while letting to of Seungmin's hand so his mother wouldn't suspect anything from it

"It's okay, he's alive and he will be okay. Thank you so much for staying here with him"Seungmin's mom said to him surprising Hyunjin completely with how calm she was about the situation

"Of course, I care for him a lot"

"He cares for you too, he's just not the best at expressing his feelings sometimes and he does have some trust issues for reasons that he will tell you when he feels comfortable enough too" Seungmin's mom said to him knowing that Seungmin talked about him a lot

Suddenly a knock on the door came in and the doctor came in with a new IV bag

"Sorry, I just need to hook this up then I will be leaving" he said to the two

"I should actually get going so I'm not late for work, thank you again and bye" She said then left the room

The doctor left a few seconds after leaving Hyunjin alone and too awake to go back to sleep now

He looked at his phone and it was 7:40 so hopefully, some of his friends will come soon

He grabbed Seungmin's hand again and used his other hand to brush Seungmin's hair away from his eyes

"Please wake up soon, it's only been a day but I miss you a lot. We were just starting to go back to normal" Hyunjin said and kissed his forehead

After about twenty minutes the door opened again and this time it was Chan and Jeongin who walked in

Hyunjin let go of Seungmin's hand and greeted them

Jeongin went straight past him and up to Seungmin

"What the heck Hyunjin?!" Jeongin asked

"What?" Hyunjin asked

"How could you let this happen?"

"I didn't let it happen a drunk driver ran into us and I would much rather myself be In his situation than him" Hyunjin said defending himself

"Were you paying attention to the road? Where were you looking when it happened?"

"I glanced at him for a second to see if he was awake or not but that's not the cause of the crash"

Chan was completely shocked by Jeongin's attitude toward the situation. He had never seen the younger angry...not that he had known him for that long but seeing him anything other than happy was strange

"Jeongin, blaming him is not going to make Seungmin wake up any faster we don't need to blame anyone here" Chan tried to explain calmly

"I'm going to go home for a while and take a shower and stuff" Hyunjin said leaving before anyone could say another word

He did need to go home to take a shower but he also started to think about what Jeongin said

Is it my fault that Seungmin got hurt? He asked himself

Is Seungmin going to be mad at me when he wakes up?

His brain was being flooded with questions

He felt he was to blame for the situation... Jeongin was right

If it wasn't for him Seungmin would be okay right now

At least that's what he now believed

Effort/SeungJinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora