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When they went back to school Seungmin got a bunch of make up work and people that he didn't know were asking him where he has been

Apparently all of his friends forgot to inform Minjee about what had happened so when she saw Seungmin she was very happy

"Where the heck have you been?!?" Seungmin heard someone yell at him then he felt someone hug him as Hyunjin let go of his hand

He turned around and saw Minjee hugging him and Suyeon standing nearby them

"At a hospital" Seungmin answered simply

"What the heck do you mean?!? Why?"

"There was a car crash and I was in a coma but I'm okay now"


"Yeah, you didn't ask anyone?" Seungmin asked her

"No, I'm stupid, your expectations are too high"

"You didn't think to ask my other friends?"

"No, but anyway, you two seem closer. Anything happen recently?" She asked while smirking at Seungmin and Hyunjin

"I don't know" Seungmin said

"What do you mean?"

"We are figuring it out" Hyunjin answered and she nodded

"Wait Minjee I've been meaning to ask you about what happened with Jinha" Hyunjin said to her

"Oh, me and Suyeon confronted her and told her that if she was a real friend she would not blackmail us all the time and try to use us to get stuff that she wants. I thought she was going to freak out and tell the whole school everything she knows about us but she kinda just stopped. Hopefully she is thinking about it because I feel like she is a good person, she just has to try to be"

"Well it's a good thing she didn't tell anyone anything personal" Seungmin said to her

"Yeah, anyways I'm gonna go because class I'd starting soon so I will see you later" Minjee said as she and Suyeon started walking towards their class

Hyunjin of course walked Seungmin to his next class, no one was saying anything about it anymore. He wasn't sure if it was because he got hurt and no one wanted to bother him or if people just stoped caring

After school was over he met Hyunjin outside

"Hi" he said as he approached him

"Hey, so I have a question"


"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Hyunjin asked

"Right now?!" Seungmin asked

"No, sometime this weekend"

"Oh, umm sure" Seungmin said, he still needed to tell Hyunjin now he felt but he was scared for some reason even though he knows for sure he won't get rejected. Part of him still felt like it could happen, what if Hyunjin had been messing with him the whole time? He didn't want to have thoughts like that because he knows Hyunjin is a good person but he couldn't help it

Hyunjin walked Seungmin home and was saying goodbye to him as they stood on Seungmin's porch

Then right before Hyunjin left Seungmin did something that shocked both of them

He kissed him

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