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Suyeon pulled Jinha over to Hyunjin's lunch table where he and all of his friends where

"Hello, I'm Suyeon and this is Jinha I was wondering if we could sit with you?" She asked them nicely

Hyunjin remembered what Felix had told him about this girl named 'Jinha' but the other girl seemed nice, also the had obvious open seats at their table so it would be mean to tell them no

"Sure" Hyunjin said as Jinha took the seat next to Hyunjin and Suyeon sat next to her

Hyunjin noticed that Seungmin suddenly seemed uninteresting in talking and wondered if Jinha had said anything mean to him because of him holding hands and walking Seungmin to class

Jinha, on the other hand, was starting to feel a lot more confident now by just sitting next to Hyunjin. She felt like now was a great time to rub in Seungmin's face that he could never get Hyunjin and prove that Hyunjin was straight to Seungmin

"Hyunjin, can we go on a date today after school?" She asked him confidently

"I'm actually hanging out with Seungmin after school today" Hyunjin said, not just because he wanted absolutely nothing to do with Jinha but he had actually already asked Seungmin to hang out with him after school and the other surprisingly agreed

"How about another day? I know a perfect place to go for a date!" She said smiling at him

At this point, Suyeon was even starting to feel bad for her attempts because she knew Hyunjin was gay and that she had no chance with him she also knew that Jinha is a b-word and kind of deserves the rejection

The only reason why she was still friends with her was because of Minjee

"I'm gay" Hyunjin said straight up and Seungmin tried hard not to laugh at how straightforward he had just told her that, and at Jinha's facial expression

"A-are you sure?" She asked him in shock

"I mean I don't find females attractive in the way that I find guys, I am currently crushing on one specific adorable puppy looking guy, I kissed this puppy looking guy this one time and my heart kind of flipped out and I highly doubt I would feel any of this with a girl.... so yes, I am very gay"

Every onein their friends gasped at what he had just said since they did not know that the two had kissed yet

"Seungmin you have some explaining to do after school, over text of course cause like not gonna ruin your date with Hyunjin" Felix said to him

"It's not a date" Seungmin explained while sighing

"This is your fault!" Jinha said as she stood up and pointed at Seungmin

"Hwang Hyunjin I'm going to make you straight again and Kim Seungmin you are going to pay for what you have done!" She yelled then walked away as Suyeon quickly apologized then followed her

"You were right Felix, she is freaking crazy" Hyunjin said as she walked away

But they had no idea to what extent

I have been coming up with random story lines randomly in school so I have like 3 now 🙃

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