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Once school ended Chan decided to go check up on Jeongin. He knew that he wasn't exactly close to him but it wasn't like he could talk to Seungmin about it so Chan just wanted to make sure that he was okay

"Hey Jeongin" Chan said as he approached the boy who looked like he was about to leave school

"Hi!" Jeongin said happily as usual but Chan could still tell that something was weird "What's up?"

"Do you wanna hang out? We could go to the cafe down the street" Chan said, not wanting to straight-up confront Jeongin about his crush...yet

Jeongin looked confused for a few seconds before responding "Thanks for offering but I kind of tired, I just wanna go home. Maybe another day"

"Well can I at least walk you home?"

"I don't want you to go out of your way" Jeongin replied, causing Chan to sigh since Jeongin obviously wasn't understanding that Chan wanted to talk to him

"I want to" Chan responded as Jeongin showed a small smile

"If you say so"

The two of them started walking and stayed quiet for a couple of minutes before Jeongin decided to speak up to break the awkward silence

"Why do you suddenly want to hang out with me?"

"We sit together at lunch every day but we aren't really that close so I just wanted to get to know you more" Chan explained 'and make sure that you're okay' he thought to himself

"Oh, that makes sense. Well umm... my favorite color is pink, Winter is my favorite season, and I like singing" Jeongin explained, struggling to come up with random facts

"Cute" Chan whispered under his breath "My favorite color is navy blue, I have a dog named Berry, and I think you probably already know this but I'm from Australia"

"You have a dog?" Jeongin asked as his eyes lit up "Do you have a picture?"

"Yeah, let me find one" Chan said with a smile as he pulled out his phone and looked through his camera roll for a few seconds before finding a good picture

"Aww" Jeongin said then looked up to see that they were already at his house "Thank you for walking me home Chan"

"No problem, maybe we can hang out after school someday soon" Chan said waiting for Jeognin to go inside before leaving but the younger stayed standing there

"Umm...I'm not really that tired anymore. Do you maybe want to hang out?" Jeongin asked, realizing that hanging out with Chan would be better than crying over Seungmin

"Sure" Chan replied with a smile as he followed Jeongin to the door of his house

After saying a quick hello to Jeongin's parents they both went upstairs to Jeongin's room as Chan looked around. He immediately noticed pictures of Jeongin and Seungmin together so he figured that maybe now would be a good time to bring it up

"How long have you and Seungmin been friends?" Chan asked as he sat dwon next to Jeongin

"I think we became friends in middle school but it feels like we've known each other since way earlier" He explained with a sad smile

"Innie, I know we aren't close but if you ever need to talk about anything feel free to talk to me"

"Thank you... It's just weird that Seungmin and Hyunjin are now dating but I'll get used to it eventually"

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to but you didn't just get so mad at Hyunjin because he previously hurt Seungmin did you?" Chan questioned, struggling to find the right wording

"I mean I was kind of upset that Seungmin trusted him again so quickly then he did that but I know that it wasn't his fault... I may have just been a tiny bit jealous" Jeongin said the last part quietly but still loud enough to be heard by Chan

"Just because Seungmin and Hyunjin are dating doesn't mean that you can't hang out with Seungmin anymore. I'm sure that if you asked him to hang out with you he would"

"Yeah I know he would but that's not exactly why I got jealous. I know Seungmin will always be my friend. Just my friend which is the hard part to accept" Jeongin explained, making Chan want to give him a hug but he wasn't sure if it was the right time or not so he decided not to

"You will find someone eventually that makes you really happy, and Seungmin will always be there for you. You will feel better soon" Chan said then held out his pinky "I promise"

Jeongin showed a small smile before locking his pinky with Chan's "Thank you, but can we please change the subject now?" Jeongin asked as Chan looked over to him and noticed that his eyes were starting to tear up a bit

"I'm sorry" Chan said as he whipped away one of Jeongin's tears with the sleeve of his hoodie

"It's okay" Jeongin said as he whipped his face "let's talk about something else though"

Chan then changed the subject as the two started talking to each other about random things and learned more about each other

Eventually, Jeongin's mom came upstairs and pointed out the time which Chan and Jeongin seemed to lose track of since it was already almost nine

"I should go home now" Chan laughed once Jeongin's mom left the room

"Thank you so much" Jeongin said, giving Chan an unexpected hug

Chan smiled then hugged him back "We should hang out again soon"

Jeongin nodded then moved away from Chan so that he could leave

"Bye Innie"

"Bye Chan" Jeongin smiled 'maybe things will get better soon' he smiled to himself

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