❀ 26 ❀

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Minsung chapter

Jisung and Minho hadn't hung out besides from sitting with each other at lunch and having awkward conversations were Jisung would randomly say stuff about Minho about him being cute or hot or something then quickly adding that he needed to work on handing his gayness

Minho, on the other hand, loved when he showed his gayness towards him it was adorable to him

He never told Jisung that because it seemed like an awkward conversation to have at lunch with all of their friends there

So he decided that today he was going to ask Jisung to hang out with him after school at his house so that he could properly ask him out

He knew Felix was gonna rub it in his face if he starts dating Jisung and say that everyone could always use another crackhead in their lives but he didn't care anymore

Jisung was an important crackhead and he did need him in his life

So he decided today was a great day to ask Jisung to come to his house after school, especially since two random girls sat at their table that day and everyone seemed distracted

They figured it probably had something to do with SeungJin but they would hear about it on the group chat later anyways

"Jisung" Minho said his name to get his attention and Jisung turned his head towards him


"Do you want to come to my house after school?" Jisung slightly dysfunction before he nodded his head

"Okay cool, meet me after school at the gate" Minho said and Jisung agreed  with a big smile

School went by slowly for them both because they were excited about hanging out after school

Jisung had ranted to Seungmin about how he was not going to be okay and that his tiny gay heart couldn't handle all of this, Seungmin wasn't much of a help and just told him he was going to be fine but Jisung didn't think so

Finally, school ended and Jisung walked out to see Minho already standing by the gate

"Hey" Jisung said to him

"Hello we can start walking, how was your day?"

"It was good other then Seungmin being a unhelpful friend but how was yours?"

"Good but boring up until now"

"Because school is over?" Jisung asked him

"No, because I'm with you" Minho said to him not being afraid to flirt or anything because he knew for a fact Jiaung liked him because of how obvious he was

"Oof, my heart" Jisung said while grabbing his heart dramatically and Minho laughed at him

Then it gave Minho an idea, he was planning on asking Jisung out but it would be funny to see how panicked he could make him beforehand

Minho grabbed Jisung's hand as they continued walking

Jisung slightly flinched from being surprised but then blushed once he saw that Minho was holding his hand

"Is it okay if I hold your hand Sungie?"Minho asked him sounding oblivious of what he was trying to do

"Mhm" Jisung Just hummed in response not wanting to say anything stupid

They got to Minho's house and went straight upstairs to his room

"What do you wanna do?" Minho asked him

"Uhh I don't know"

"Jisung have you ever dated anyone" Minho asked out of nowhere causing Jisung slight panic and confusion

"Umm no, have you"

"For a little bit a while ago but he cheated, I would rather date someone like you"

"O-oh" Jisung said with an extremely red face

"Yeah" Minho said while trying not to laugh at Jisung

"I can put something random on the tv and we can talk some more" Minho suggested and Jisung just nodded in agreement

They were both laying on Minho's bed and they were arguing about how Carmel was pronounced for some weird reason

"I'm right so accept it and shut up" Minho said to him

"Make me" Jisung said

Minho suddenly got up and held Jisung's hands on each side of him while looking down at him

"NOT LIKE THIS!" Jisung screamed at him while blushing, he tried to get out of Minho's hold but he couldn't

"Why not?" Minho asked

"My gay heart can't handle this!!!!"

"You are so cute" Minho commented

"Yeah, thanks and you are extremely hot but you are making me an extremely panicked gay right now and I would appreciate if you would get off of me"

"Okay" Minho said as he let go and pulled Jisung into a hug, they were facing each other so their faces were extremely close

"What is up with you right now?" Jisung asked while laughing slightly

"Another random question that we hopefully won't get into an argument over"

"What is it? How to pronounce syrup because I swear if you don't pronounce it right I'm leaving " Jisung said sarcastically

"No, will you be my boyfriend?" Minho asked suddenly and Jisung somehow fell off the bed out of surprise

"YES" he said from the floor

"Hey get up" Minho said to him laughing

"You are serious right?" Jisung asked him as he laid back down next to him


"I don't have to third wheel on Changlix anymore!"

"Felix is really gonna rub this in my face but I don't really care"

"Why would he rub it in your face?"

"Before he brought all of you to sit with us I said that I didn't need another crackhead in my life but I definitely did, I'm so happy that you sat with us"

"Aww, I don't know if I should be offended or not but thanks"

Minho gave Jisung a quick kiss on the cheek

"Don't be offended"

Jisung just shyly nodded in agreement then looked at the time on his phone and they have already been hanging out for three hours already

"Oh snap, I have to go my mom is gonna kill me" Jisung said quickly getting up

"Do you want me to drive you home?" Minho asked him


Minho gave Jisung a ride home but before he could get out of the car he grabbed Jisung's wrist


"You were about to leave without saying bye"

"Bye?" Jisung said as he tried to move but Minho pulled him back again and kissed him on the cheek

"Bye Sungie" He said then let go as Jisung just ran to his house Minho laughed at him

He's special, I love him Minho thought to himself and Jisung felt the exact same

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