❀ 9 ❀

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It was the next morning at school and Hyunjin was at the library with Seungmin again

Seungmin was actually acting somewhat nice  and when he did say something mean he seemed to of had to really think about it before he did

"Seungmin, starting today I'm going to face to face reject the people who write the notes" Hyunjin told him

"What if you find someone you like?"Seungmin asked him

"That would be impossible. I already like you"

Seungmin stopped for a second then looked at Hyunjin

"Well umm good luck with that" Seungmin said in loss of mean things to say, it was becoming difficult because of how nice Hyunjin was

"Thanks, I'll probably need it" Hyunjin said slightly laughing at Seungmin's reaction

Soon after that conversation, the bell rang and again Hyunjin walked Seungmin to his first class, said bye, the quickly walked to his

Luckily no one bothered him about Hyunjin walking with him today although he definitely still got a lot of evil eyes

Classes where all boring so soon enough it was lunch, they all go to their table when Felix came up with an idea which sounded fun at first but ended being.....not bad but interesting

"Hey let's play truth or dare" Felix said out of nowhere and everyone pretty much agreed except for Seungmin and Jisung but soon enough the two were convinced to play

They got an empty soda bottle and Felix was the first one to spin it and it stopped at Jisung

"Truth or dare?" Felix asked him

Jisung was scared, Felix could and would expose him for his crush on Minho, who was sitting right across from him. In the end, he decided dare cause both of them ended badly for him in his mind

"I dare you to explain why you didn't want to sit here at first to everyone" Felix said to him and it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be and besides he had already called Minho hot to his face

"Because my gay would show to much in front of Minho" Jisung said out loud and sassily

Most of them started laughing

"That's so cute" Minho commented causing Jisung to go into gay panic mode

The game continued with them saying some weird stories or doing some strange things, finally it was Hyunjin's turn to spin the bottle and to his luck it landed on Seungmin

Everyone looked at Hyunjin suspiciously since they all knew about his crush on the other Seungmin on the other hand looked like he wanted to die because of whatever Hyunjin was about to do

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare" Seungmin said Knowing Hyunjin would make him say why he disliked him if he chose truth even though he knew he would figure it out eventually

"I dare you to...be nice to me tomorrow and give me the day to be your boyfriend" Hyunjin explained his dare which made Seungmin sigh

"But tomorrow is a school day"

"And I don't care, it's a Friday so we can hang out after school too"

Everyone started laughing slightly at how annoyed Seungmin looked and Hyunjin smiled at his idea and soon after that it was time for their next class

The school day finally ended and luckily today Hyunjin didn't have any notes in his locker so he quickly ran to Seungmin's locker and slipped in his note then went to the garden to wait

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