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It was now the next day at school and Felix, Jeongin, Jisung, And Seungmin were all sitting together in their geography class where their teacher didn't teach them and did not care what they did so they could talk to each other without getting yelled at

"Hey so do you guys want to sit with me, Changbin, and our other friends at lunch today?"Felix asked all of them

"You sit with Lee Minho right?"Jisung asked him


"Okay well, I'm sorry but no. He doesn't know I exist but my gay would show to much around him" Jisung explained

"But he's gay too"

"I know he is but I'm not prepared for that yet"

"Jeongin? Can you come?"Felix asked him desperately since he just wanted to introduce one of his friends his groups to the others

"I'm sorry but I have a test later today that I haven't studied for yet and I really need to"Jeongin said feeling, bad for saying no

"Oh, well good luck on the test.....Seungmin? Please?"

"You see... I would but I don't feel like meeting new people"

"Please!!!! Seungmin!!!"Felix started begging him

"You annoying me about it for the next hour is going to be worse then me having to socialize"Seungmin sighed, it's not that he didn't like making new friends but he just really wasn't in the mood today. Mainly because he was running on 3 hours of sleep

"So yes?" Felix asked hopefully


"Yay!! Thank you Seungmin!"

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Felix and Seungmin were now walking together to Felix's usual lunch table with the 5 others

"Hello, my other two friends could not come but this is Seungmin"Felix introduced him and Seungmin bowed knowing that he was the youngest their and they all said hi and introduced themselves

All except the one with black hair who had headphones in and hadn't noticed anything going on around him

"Hyunjin stop being rude" Chan said to him and took his headphone out of his ear and Hyunjin just looked at him with his eyebrows raised

While that was happening Felix took his usual seat next to Changbin and Seungmin took the only seat left which was on the other side of Felix and in front of Hyunjin

"Hyunjin, this is my friend Seungmin, and Seungmin this is Hyunjin"Felix introduced them both as Hyunjin admired Seungmin who refused to even look up at him

"You are a grade below us right?" Hyunjin questioned, deciding to try to start a conversation

"Yup" Seungmin responded

"He is also really good at singing too, just so you know" Felix added randomly

"Nice, you should sing for us sometime"Hyunjin said a smiled at him

"Yea, sure"

"Why are you like...not talking?" Felix asked him

"I don't know"

"Become friends with my friends!" Felix said to him whining and shaking his arm

"Felix don't force him to be our friend. He will talk if he wants to" Chan laughed at him

Seungmin ate his lunch while the others were talking about random things. He finally looked up for a second and noticed that Hyunjin was starting right at him

"Ummm do you need something?" He asked Hyunjin really not wanting to talk to the older. He, of course, hadn't told Felix this mainly because he didn't know he was friends with him. But also even now, he didn't want to be that friend who constantly has a problem with the other. Sure he had his reasons but he didn't want to say anything about it  and the only person that knew anything about it was Jeongin

So he decided that he would only talk to him when it was absolutely necessary

"Huh?" Hyunjin asked him snapping out of his staring

"You were staring at me?"

"Oh, sorry I didn't notice"

"You are strange" Seungmin said to him and Hyunjin showed an awkward smiled then noticed Minho looking at him weirdly

"What's up with your face?" He asked Minho

"Nothing, wanna come to my house after school?"Minho asked him

"That's random but sure I guess"

"Oh yeah, Chan how was the DAY6 concert?" Seungmin suddenly heard from across the table and Felix automatically looked towards Seungmin who was trying to keep as calm as possible

"YOU WENT TO A DAY6 CONCERT?!" He asked loosing his cool

"Yeah, you can come next time if you would like"Chan replied while smiling at him

"He's friends with one of the members, are you a big fan?" Minho asked but before he could answer Felix put his hand over his mouth before Seungmin had the chance to say anything

"To save you from this rant, he is the biggest Myday you will ever meet" Felix explained removing his hand from Seungmin's mouth while Seungmin nodded

Hyunjin was subconsciously smiling at Seungmin's reaction to the situation

"Aww cool, I'm sure they would all love to meet you so I'll be sure to get you VIP tickets"

"Chan!! You're going to kill him!"

"Can I go too?" Hyunjin suddenly asked not even realizing what he had no idea what he was asking to go to since he had been too busy staring at Seungmin

"You've never seemed interesting in going to one before but sure" Chan shrugged

"You are now my favorite person on earth" Seungmin said to Chan

"Seungmin are you dating anyone?" Minho asked him randomly getting the weirdest look ever from Hyunjin

"No" Seungmin said trying to end that conversation quickly

"Okay time to exchange numbers" Chan said, thankfully changing the subject as he reached out his hand out for Seungmin's phone

Chan and Minho both put their numbers in their phone and got Seungmin's number since he had already had Felix's and Changbin's

Hyunjin was about to get the  phone to put in his number into Seungmin's phone but Seungmin quickly grabbed it before he could

"The bell is about to ring got to go" Seungmin said saying bye to the others then left

Hyunjin had a pout on his face which Minho noticed and chuckled at his friend who probably hasn't even realized that he was pouting

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