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over week pasted and Seungmin still had not woken up

In that time not just Hyunjin and Jeongin, but all of them were sad

The weird thing was that Seungmin wasn't there yet Jinha wasn't bothering Hyunjin

They would see Jinha at lunch but she now always sat by herself and she just looked sad all the time

Hyunjin was too focused on wanting Seungmin to get better to care

He and the others have been visiting Seungmin after school every day but Hyunjin of course always stayed the longest, along with Jeongin who stayed as late as he could depending on how much homework he had

Hyunjin got used to doing his homework in the hospital sitting next to Seungmin but he could understand why Jeongin wouldn't want to. It does get kind of uncomfortable there after a while

Jeongin and Hyunjin have been getting somewhat closer to each other although it was definitely still kind of awkward between them they could at least agree that they are now friends

Today everyone else was busy either doing family things so Hyunjin went by himself to the hospital

It was Friday now so he had been repeating this routine daily for nearly 2 whole weeks and he wasn't planning on missing a day, he was going be there the day Seungmin wakes up even if it's not at the exact moment

He waved to the doctors and nurses and got another visitors pass as he walked into the room to see Seungmin in the same exact position as last time

Just looking slightly more pale and skinnier as the days past

"Hi Minnie" Hyunjin said quietly as he took his seat next to Seungmin's hospital bed and grabbed his hand

After a few minutes, he took his math homework out and started working on it, surprisingly that was his only homework today

He finished it relatively quickly, putting it back and grabbing Seungmin's hand once again

Except this time he swore he felt Seungmin's hand slightly squeeze his back

His eyes widened as he looked at Seungmin who was crying but still not moving

"Seungmin?" He asked calmly

Seungmin's eyes finally started to hesitantly open as getting used to the light in the room

He was still crying when he was finally able to open his eyes all the way, Hyunjin had no idea what to do. It was happening so suddenly

"H-hyunjin?" Seungmin asked while sitting up feeling a bit dizzy and crying his eyes out

"Yes?" Hyunjin asked him questioning if he should call the doctor

Seungmin pulled him into a hug as Hyunjin hugged him back then whipped the tears off his face as they pulled away from each other

He of course had a lot of things to ask Seungmin but right now all he could think about was that he was finally awake

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment

Even though Seungmin's eyes were slightly swollen from crying he still looked perfect to Hyunjin, he had never realized how pretty Seungmin's eyes are until he had to go almost two weeks without seeing them

Hyunjin finally leaned in and gave Seungmin a kiss and Seungmin kissed back, not really sure as to why but it definitely felt right at the moment

"How long-" before Seungmin could ask any questions the door opened and the doctor came in looking shocked

The doctor then checked up and made sure everything was okay, telling Seungmin that he could leave in the morning

It took a while but soon the doctor finally left

Leaving Seungmin and Hyunjin alone again to catch up, and talk about things that they really needed to sort out.... their feelings

TYSM for 5k reads!!!

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