❀ 33 ❀

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Seungmin was sitting in his last class of the day bored out of his mind but also not wanting it to end because he didn't want to face Hyunjin but at the same time he was also super hyped for the day6 concert so basically he was a mess

The teacher didn't care at this point and no one would shut up so she decided to stop trying

Minjee walked to Seungmin's desk with her other friend

"Hey Seungmin" she said sitting down next to him


"Okay so Seungmin this is my best friend Suyeon and Suyeon this is Seungmin" she said quickly introducing the two to each as they both nodded and smiled at each other

"How are you and Hyunjin?" Minjee asked him

"I haven't had a real conversation with him in like a week but he seems to be getting close with Jinha, we do have the day6 concert today though"

"Why haven't you talked to him? And don't let that happen freaking rub it in Jinha's face that Hyunjin likes you" Minjee says to him

"Aren't you friends with her?!" Seungmin asked

"Yeah, but not for long I can't deal with her constant blackmailing. If she actually has the guts to go through with it then I don't care anymore and I am going to tell her this tomorrow. Now answer my question!"

"Well good for you then, I haven't talked to him because I don't think he does like me considering the fact he was making out with another dude a few days ago"

"Can I beat him up?" Suyeon asked suddenly joining the conversation being protective even though she literally just met Seungmin

"No! You should talk to him about it first, that seems really unlike him from what I have seen" Minjee said to him

"Yeah, well I'm gonna be in a car with him for over an hour but still wasn't planning on talking to him. If it was something that wasn't meant to happen then he should have talked to me about it when it first happened" Seungmin said

"Well did you give him a chance to talk to you after you saw it happen?" Minjee asked but before Seungmin could respond the bell rang and she and Suyeon left Seungmin

They left him to think about it, he the kiss happen  and immediately started ignoring Hyunjin so really he hasn't gotten the chance to explain anything to him

But at the same time today when he saw Hyunjin, he acted pretty much normal

He was not extremely confused

He really needed to talk to Hyunjin to clarify things

He got up and started walking towards the school exit to meet him

He was kind of nervous to talk to him about it, what if Hyunjin isn't who he seemed to be this whole time? What if he was using me this whole time? What if? Seungmin sighed and when he looked up he was face to face with Hyunjin

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