❀ 19 ❀

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Jeongin agreed to meet Seungmin after school since Seungmin said it was important and the two actually haven't hung out with each other in a while

They got to Jeongin's house and went to his room where Seungmin face planted on his bed

"What's wrong with you?" Jeongin asked as he also laced down on the bed near him

"Hwang flipping Hyunjin"

"Why? You forgave him"

"I know I did and I am starting to regret it"


"Because my feelings and thoughts are all messed up and it's stressing me out"

"Do you like him again?" Jeongin asked curiously


"Okay then what's wrong?"

"Okay possibly but no! I got over him so no, I don't like him!" Seungmin said then sighed

"You are just in denial, get over yourself! It's okay to like him again"


"You actually know him now and he likes you so it makes sense why you would like him" Jeongin said since he is an actual smart human being in this subject somehow

"No offense but why do you sound like you know stuff about relationships?"


"Oh... makes sense"

"Anyways, I don't think you should Avoid him but in the end, it's your choice whether or not you like him. Honestly, you said you are over it so I think you should give him a chance"

"I'm just gonna go back to being normal friends, we have tests coming up and I can't deal with all of this right now"

"You are so dumb I-" Jeongin sighed

"No, I'm not if I actually try to deal with it I will just get more stressed"

"I'm pretty sure it's the opposite"

"I don't have time for a relationship. School is stressful enough!"

"Your excuses are stupid!!! I know for a fact you normally don't get a lot of homework"

"Oh look! I love this show!" Seungmin said as he grabbed the remote from Jeongin's nightstand and clicked on a random kids show that was on his tv that had Netflix open

Seungmin had no idea what he had just put on but they both watched the first 5 minutes of it quietly

"What the heck are we watching? They don't even talk" Jeongin said staring at the tv with tiny characters on it

"I honestly don't know, but anyway I have to go now. My mom told me to be home for dinner. Thanks for listening to my rant"

"Your welcome I guess? Bye Min" he said as Seungmin got his backpack

"Bye Innie!" Seungmin said then left

As soon as Seungmin left Jeongin got his phone out to tell the group chat about what Seungmin had just said

Yes it was behind his back but Seungmin would thank him later once he realized his feelings for Hyunjin

This group chat included everyone except Hyunjin and Seungmin And was first created by Minho who got Chan to make sure the two could go to the concert alone together

Seungmin is in denial

No duh

Don't worry, I will make
Him sit with us again tomorrow

He said he was just going to
Go back to treating Hyunjjn
As a friend

Cause that's going to last

We need another plan

But the concert is next week,
We should let that happen and
See if they make any progress


A week is a long time

Why must Seungmin be so
Stubborn though?

If they are not making progress again
By after the concert though then what are we
Gonna do?

Add Hyunjin to the group chat, it
Is HIS future relationship

Woah! My bf is so smart!

You can't relate

Neither can you!!

Okay true, but good plan Changbin!

Effort/SeungJinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant