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Jinha approached their table and she didn't look the greatest and Seungmin tensed you're as he noticed her

"Hi" she said to them quietly

"Ummm hi? Not to be rude but what do you what?" Hyunjin asked her

"I doubt that either of you will accept my apology and I don't deserve for you too but I'm really sorry for all the troubles I have costed, I'm sorry for being mean to you Seungmin and I'm sorry for trying to force you to like me Hyunjin" she said while making herself tear up purposely

"Thanks for apologized for I guess but you are right about us probably not accepting your apology because even though you apologized you still did it past the point where you knew what you were doing was wrong" Hyunjin said as he tightened his grip around Seungmin's hand

"Thank you for at least hearing me out, I will leave you alone now" Jinha said to them as she walked away to try to find her other two friends, she had the perfect act to make them believe that she was truly sorry for all that she has done

"Do you think she actually meant her apology?" Seungmin asked Hyunjin once she left

"I don't know, something about that was really weird and I don't think that it was completely sincere"

"Hmm, well thank you for the hot chocolate" Seungmin said changing the subject, not wanting to just talk about Jinha since he wanted that situation to just be forgotten about already

"No problem" Hyunjin said back to him, then sad,h the bell rang and they both had to go to their different classrooms

Hyunjin walked Seungmin to his class but as they were approaching he didn't know wether to kiss Seungmin on the cheek or on the lips for a goodbye, their relationship was weird and confusing right now and he didn't know what Seungmin was okay with since they were not officially dating yet

If he kissed him on the lips then everyone would think that they are dating which Hyunjin had no problem with but he didn't want to do it then have Seungmin get mad at him

This was such a simple thing yet it was stressing him out so much, when they got to Seungmin's class he was still kind of lost in his own thoughts until Seungmin faced him and they made eye contact which was quickly broken by Seungmin getting nervous and looking at the floor

"Umm I'll see you at lunch, thanks for walking me to class" Seungmin said then gave Hyunjin a quick kiss in the lips

Hyunjin blushed, he was definitely not expecting Seungmin to do that but he for sure wasn't complaining about it

Seungmin saw him blushing and smiled

"Aww cute, you should start going to classroom though you are gonna be late"

Hyunjin nodded and ran to his class but he was still comprehending what just happened

He has always been cute but that was freaking adorable, how is it even legal for a human being to be that cute?

Hyunjin surprisingly wasn't late to class but he was completely distracted the whole time

"What's up with you?" Minho asked him noticing the pink tint on Hyunjin's cheeks

"Seungmin is causing me heart problems"


"He kissed me on the lips at school, then called me cute. I wasn't expecting any of that and he just attacked me"

"Oh my gosh I wonder what would happen if I did that to Jisung, it would be funny. We've still had only hugged and kiss on the cheek"

They both wanted to continue talking but sadly the teacher came and told everyone to shut up

Hyunjin tried to pay attention but the whole time his mind kept drifting back to Seungmin, and little did he know Seungmin was having the same problem

Effort/SeungJinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें