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Hyunjin was first to wake up in the morning around 11 am

He knew he had to leave to go back to his house to get everything ready for the date and put on the outfit that he had chosen (with the help of Minho) a week ago when he first asked Seungmin on the date

But Seungmin was so cute, he didn't want to move and risk waking him up

Hyunjin played with Seungmin's hair which caused Seungmin to just cuddle close to him

Hyunjin was so happy with the current situation, he wanted to hold Seungmin like this forever but at the same time he wanted to take him on the date

Soon Seungmin started to move around a bit then opened his eyes, making direct eye contact with Hyunjin

"Good morning"Hyunjin said

"Good morning"

"I should probably leave so I can prepare for our date and get my outfit and stuff"

"No, stay here. You can borrow some of my clothes" Seungmin said as he hugged Hyunjin tighter and Hyunjin thought that his heart was going to explode

"It's not just my clothes, I have to do other stuff to prepare. I really want to stay here with you like this but I also want us to have our date"

"Fine, what time is our date going to be? Where do I meet you? Also, how do I dress?" Seungmin asked him as he let go of Hyunjin and sat up on the bed

"Probably around 6ish, I will pick you up. Dress cutely like always"

"If it's not until 6 then why do you have to leave at 11?"

"I have a lot to do"

"Okay then"

Hyunjin got up and kissed Seungmin on the cheek before leaving

A few hours later, while Hyunjin was still preparing things for their date he heard his phone buzz

It was Seungmin but it was still only 4:30 pm

I was sleep-deprived last night and
Half asleep this morning

You have told me you liked
Cuddling, what are you trying
To tell me right now? Lol

I know that I've already exposed
Myself fro liking cuddles. I'm trying to say
That I'm not clingy and annoying

You weren't being annoyed you
Were being adorable

That one time when I asked for
Cuddles at the hospital you called
Me clingy

But then I called you cute

True, I'm going to actually get
Up and get ready now so bye

Bye, see you soon ❤️

Hyunjin had been making food ever since he got to his house for him and Seungmin to have a picnic, he didn't want them to have a bunch of store-bought food. Not that he thought he was a great cook but him making the food seemed more thoughtful

When he finally finished everything and put all the food he made inside the picnic basket along with drinks, napkins, and silverware

Then he noticed that it was already 5:30 pm and rushed to his room to get dressed into his outfit

He then grabbed everything that he needed and texted Seungmin that he was on his way before he started his car

He arrived at Seungmin's house and knocked and he almost died when he saw Seungmin, he normally always looked cute but he looked especially adorable right now

"Hi" Seungmin said

"Hi, let's go" Hyunjin said as he grabbed Seungmin's hand and they left to go on their date

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