"Hey idiots" he said while sitting down.

No one anwsered him.

We all just looked at him.

"Okay losers" he said again.

He looked at me a smirked.

"Hey cutie, what happened to you face?" he asked sweetly, almost too sweetly.

Obviously he was being sarcastic.

"Just fell that's all" I said.

"Alright" he said grinning.

I literally highly dislike Ryan.

What he did wasn't necessary.

It was like he was teasing me about it.

Soon enough, class had started... then ended really quickly.

That class always goes by fast and I'm definitely not complaining.

I was always happy when that class ended because I had a class to myself with Noah next class.

As I was walking to my next class with Noah, I saw Dillion down the hall and remembered that I still need to talk to him.

I told Noah that I needed to do something and that I would be there in a second.

I followed Dillion down the hall and when I finally got close enough to him to tap him and ask him what was wrong.

He turned around.

"Dillion what's wrong?" I asked concerned.

He looked around for a bit and finally anwsered, "I'm fine, why?"

"Did my brothers do anything to you? Because if they did I-"

"They didn't do anything to me" he said, interrupting me.

"Okay then why are you acting like nothing happened? And why are you acting awkward?" I asked again.

"The stuff that happened on Friday night, I put to the past. I don't worry about it anymore because it's already done and taken cared of, maybe you should put it to the past too." Dillion said and then walked away.

Uh okay?

That seemed kinda harsh but I couldn't be too offended because I think everything is harsh and offensive when
sometimes it's not.

I probably needed to hear that.

I do need to put everything in the past and forget about it.

Forget about it.

Just forget about it.

Thanks Dillion.

I guess I was too into my feelings to notice that I was still standing in the middle of the hallway.

And to notice that 2 of my brothers were walking right towards me.


I tried to walk a different way so I didn't have to deal with them but of course, they caught up to me.

"Hey little sis" Nathan said, softly punching me in the arm.

"Hey pay" Cooper said smiling, showing his white, close to perfect teeth.

"Hi" I said.

"I never see you on this hallway? Where are you off to?" Cooper asked.

Uh uh uhhhh.

I didn't wanna tell them that I was talking to Dillion because they would probably freak.

Or maybe not.

Rather safe than sorry though so.

That's when the warning bell rung.

Saved by the bell.

"Got to go! Bye guys, see you later!" I said, running to my next class.

I barely made it to my next class on time. As soon as I stepped in the classroom, the late bell rung.

I went to my normal seat as usual- beside Noah.

In this class, we didn't really do anything to be honest.

It kinda made the class fun in my opinion.

So of course, we didn't have anything to do except for the people who didn't turn their work in.

But that's not Noah and I, we turn our work in.

"So" Noah said.

"So" I said back.

"You know that Jace kid right?" Noah asked.

Oh right.


"Yeah" I said.

"Do y'all like um- like each other or something?" Noah asked looking down.


"No, he's just my friend, why?" I asked.

"I don't know, I was just wondering" Noah said.

"Oh okay" I said, "but nope, we don't like each other" I said again.

hey guys !! i finally uploaded hahah. sorry for taking such a long time. i always say that i will upload fast but i never do hahaha. i've been in a lot of competitions and stuff and school has been going on. i can't make any promise but i will try to upload fast! thank y'all for reading my story, see y'all in a few <3

paisley and her brothers Where stories live. Discover now