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Callum and Rayla were staying the night  in a cave for the night. It was quiet nice infact, Zym was at Callum's side curled up and Rayla was resting her head on Callum's lap as a pillow while he drew. Callum didn't mind this at all, it has been a week that they've been traveling around Xadia and this would be how most night went on, but this time he stopped drawing as he felt Rayla shift her head on his lap and kept on sleeping, he chuckled to this, he knew  that Rayla would normally stay up to stand guard but sometimes Callum would convice her to sleep and he would stand guard.

 This was today, he slowly stroke his fingers through her hair while he hummed, Callum loved to stroke her hair, it was soft on and was pretty, he indeed had grown feelings for the elf girl and he knew that he would give his life for her just like he would for his brother Ezran. He stopped stroking Rayla's hair when she opened her eyes and was looking at him.

"Your still awake?" She joked, knowing that Callum was normally the first one to fall asleep.

"Yeah, surpringly right?" He chuckled.

"I'm glad" She said smiling up to him.

Callum was feeling his heart go faster then a hare on the run, and his stomach to flip flop, I sure love her, don't i?, he thought to himself.

Rayla lifted an arm up to his face and with her thumb she slowly stroked his cheek, Callum felt himself going redder then jelly and he felt so happy and warm when she did that.

"Callum?" Rayla said.

"Yes?" Callum replaid.

"Have you...ever loved someone, but that they weren't your own family, like someone..." She slowly asked. He went silent but responded then.

"I mean yeah twice, the first time they betrayed me, but that's good cause now i can love someone better"

"Oh, thats good" Rayla said as she lowered down her arm.

and silence went on again.

"Can i be honest with you though?" Callum said looking at her in the eyes, those violet and soft, warm eyes that he loved so dearly.

"Yes" She said softly

"You're the one i can love now" He said going back to stroke her hair.

Rayla blushed to this and went silent for a moment but soon replaid with "That's good, cause i love you too"

Callum just smiled at this, but his insides were going crazy happy, and he slowly bent down his head to kiss her cheek, as he said "Good"

The night went on silently, the silence they both loved as Zym purred softly and the fire crackled, the elf girl and human mage cuddled, sleeping together, and loving each other.

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