a dance and kiss under the moon

920 19 24

oki Tainga

this human gave me the best idea and i want to thank this human so much....! i owe this human my life i will do whatever, but now i shall write! 

Rayla walked in into the ballroom wearing a blue and green dress flowing down to her feet, her white hair in a half ponytail and violet eyes scanning the room for her friends. She didn't want to be there but so did the humans there, whispering and staring. Rayla tried to not pay attention to them and remembered she promised Ez and Callum to come, and she was going to keep that promise, so she walked over to Callum and Ezran who were talking by the drinking stand.

"Wow, Rayla! you look great." Ez said when he saw her coming.

"Really? because this thing is more uncomfortable than ever! how am i supposed to fight in this thing?" Rayla said annoyed and kinda fighting with her dress.

"Because you're not fighting Rayla, besides i agree with Ez you look stunning," Callum said with a little tint of pink on his cheeks but Rayla just thought it was her imagination. And for a moment there was silent till Ez jolted up.

"Oh looks like aunt Amaya is calling me, I'll leave you guys bye!" Ezran said realizing what he could do to get this two dense rocks to realize anything and have some time together.

Ezran had left running, knowing better to leave them both alone. 

"well, that was weird? i didn't hear anyone calling over here" Callum said looking over to were his brother headed.

"Maybe he wanted to steal up some jelly tarts" Rayla joked and they both laughed.

Music started to play and people started to partner up to dance. 

"Rayla, you know how to dance?" Callum said.

"Um...well no..." she said confused.

"Is it okay if I teach you?" he said reaching his hand out to her.

"Callum that's sweet but I think I'm better here were the stupid humans won't have to see me," Rayla said rolling her eyes.

"Aww c' mon don't pay attention to them! you can't stop having fun because of some stares...please? for me?..." He said giving puppy eyes to her, well knowing they worked perfectly on the elf.

"Agh fine! but don't give me that dumb look again, I don't want a sadder prince" she said taking his hand.

Callum took her hand with joy and put it on his shoulder and put his hand above her waist with a happy smile. 

"Now follow my steps and repeat this on your mind, one two three, one two three, one two three," he said taking a step for every count.

Rayla at first wasn't very good and seemed to have two left feet but Callum helped her, both letting out some giggles every time Rayla stepped on his shoes.

"It's fine" would be what Callum always said.

With time Rayla and Callum were dancing as if no one was watching them, lost in each other's eyes. They went on through almost all the ballroom as the moon's light shined on the young elf and human through the big windows, and they started to lean closer to each other's face, closer and closer and about to close their eyes, when a girl tapped on Callum's shoulder.

"Prince, why don't you dance with me?" She insisted.

"No I'm good," Callum said, his gaze still lost on Rayla's.

"Why would you want to dance with that monster!?" She pushed Rayla to the ground angrily.

"Well just who you think you are?!" Rayla said getting up and ready to fight even with that uncomfortable dress.

"Well, I'm more than you of course monster!"

Both girls seemed about to throw hands with each other when Callum got in the middle.

"Ok, I think that's enough! Rayla here is my friend and she helped to return the egg and bring peace with me, so why don't you show some respect?" His voice was almost heard through the whole room as he took Rayla's hand. 

"Why do you defend her? Do you like her or something?" The girl said with a smirk.

"In fact I do!" Callum said with a nod before grabbing Rayla in for a kiss. 

At first, Rayla was shocked but went with the kiss until Callum separated from her and ran off saying "sorry". Everyone had their mouths hanging in shock, but Ez was the only one clapping and squealing of joy before shouting over to Rayla "Hey Ray, don't mind everyone right now, just go get Callum!" he jumped up and down.

Rayla went after Callum, passing through the crowds of whispering humans and stares from them until she found Callum in a balcony, his back to her and staring a the half moon up in the sky.

"Callum?" Rayla approached him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, Rayla! look I'm sorry for what I did back there... I wasn't thinking well and then-" Callum got cut off by Rayla grabbing him and kissing him, this time the kiss was longer but Rayla pulled off saying "you dumb human if you're to kiss me do it right next time!" she smirked to him.

"oh...well can I try again?" He said returning the smirk.

"go ahead, you big dumb human" she put her arms around his neck while Callum pulled her to him by the waist and they kissed, this time both had a happy smile as they kissed under the moon's light.

"I love you Rayla"

"I love you too Callum"

*yeets this to you guys...* .i want to die sorry for not updating much but i well...get in trouble easily and grounded so yeah....bye! *yeets to the void of loneliness* 

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