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yes hi, so i was gone for some days bc first i was horribly sick and had to be hospitalized :) then heheehe well long story, short: parents took away all devices from me and my sister bc school :') but i got my school laptop yeetday, but tbh i won't be writing....in a long time....maybe till s3....or later TwT i'm sowwy, i'm sowwy but i need this brake from spending time online, i won't be seen a lot and i may come by to check here and there but i really just been having not a nice time with my dad and mother when they see me using tech, TwT i have been trying my best to earn their trust, respect and appreciation but it seems every time i try my mother kinda starts to give me that but my father never does, hehe so yeah i just want rn to focus on my education and art, so i'll get the heck outta here and go watch 12 forever and draw at same time

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