Day one fireflies

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The moon shined and Callum was taking Rayla through the forrest with her eyes blindfolded. 

"Callum what are you doing?" Rayla giggled trying to fallow Callum.

"It's our first real date, i want to take you somewhere special" he said.

"Callum we already talked about this i'm fine with just being with you" Rayla said trying to stop Callum.

"i know...but i want to do this because i love you more then anything Rayla, we can't be around each other much since nobody can know we're...ya know? but we can be alone here" he got closer to her holding both Rayla's hands. 

"Stop being a dorky human and move..." she paused "but i love you too and it's cute you're doing all of this" she squezzed his hand.

"we're here!" Callum said turning behind Rayla to take off her blindfold.

"wow this's..." those were the only words that could escape Rayla's mouth. They were in a clearing with tall grass and some fireflies flying around but the most beatiful thing was the moon shining down there with the stars too.

"so you like it?" he wondered.

"if i like it? i love it!" she hugged him

"Then c'mon! lets play."  They ran and played, with giggles felling the night and firflies flying around as they went till they fell down to the ground bursting into a pile of laughter. Callum had taclked Rayla down and was nuzzling her. 

"Callum stop it tickles!"she tried to take Callum off her but he had her pinned down

"Fine" he flooped down next to her.

 Rayla cuddled up to his chest and let out a sigh."I love you Callum" 

"I love you too Rayla, you're the most beatiful person i've ever meet in my life" Callum said playing with her hair.

"Really, more then your mother?" she teased wrinkling her nose a bit.

"Infact you both have the same title of beatifullness, your eyes, soft silky hair, and a smile that makes me feel light headed" he looked at her with loving green eyes, those Rayla could get lost in them forever, she kissed him in the cheek and went back to his chest.

"Stupid dork, you and your green eyes and dumb cute face" 

"At least i'm your stupid dork" he hugged her and they both laughed

They went the whole night looking at the stars as the fireflies flew round them, the night air silently moving the tall grass and their soft breathing. 

OMG,OMG i did it! first day on actually the second of rayllum week but i did it! i'll bring day 2 and 3 tommorow i'll try since tommorow it is Friday so i'll se wut i shall do......YES I KNOW IT'S LIKE FREACKING SHORT BUT I WROTE THIS IN 2 HOURS I'M SORRY....i'll try to make them longer, well gnight humans! 

Rayllum one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora