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ok i have little time to write this shit bc my cousins are coming again to my house and i want to get ready for more binge anime watching (and She-ra, tdp) BUT i haven't really written much bc i know the fandom was ded for a while and why was i going to write TwT plus my parents have kept me more away from social media and only let me use the computer for some time, but i'm glad the fandom is waking THE FUCK UP again and i'm glad TwT but same time i'm scared cuz more people may come again to read my shit! just like s2 TwT and i really wish i could have the same schedule i had last time, but i may not for s3, tho i'll try my best to write since i have a lot of ideas just little time to write them. 

oki bye i gtg to watch Violet Evergarden

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