Chapter Thirty-One ↡ Lucia's Solo

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Chapter Thirty-One ↡ Lucia's Solo

Thursday, 16 January 2020

"Another wedding." Antony said as Lucia and him walked hand in hand.

Guests looked their way as they walked down the pathway to the church.

Lucia made sure to wear a fascinator that blocked her face as the press had caught on that they would be attending this wedding, and so dozens of paparazzi were camped over the road, trying to snap as many pictures as possible.

"Honestly, didn't think the media cared about us like that." Lucia said as she heard the clicking of the cameras.

"I maybe eighth in line but I'm the third popular senior royal after Granny and Harry, and of course, you are a billionaire marrying a prince. I think they'll be following us until the Cambridge kids come of age." Antony said.

"Oh, that's comforting." Lucia said.

"Ahh, here you two are." said a familiar voice, and Antony turned to see Felix approaching them.

Antony's smile widen.

"Hi Felix." Lucia said, moving to hug him in greeting.

Antony grinned as he placed a hand on Felix's shoulder.

"I haven't seen you since the christening and you've managed to grow a beard." Antony said.

"Hey, the ladies have it." Felix said.

"Oh, Felix, when are you going to settle down?" Lucia asked as she fixed his tie for him.

"Thank you, Lu and for your information I asked Yanni to accompany today as a date so I'm working on it." Felix answered.

"Felix and Yanni? I never saw that coming." Antony said.

"You guys are adorable and honestly, Yanni is the perfect girl for you." Lucia said.

They walked hand-in-hand towards the church, following the rest of the guests and blending in effortlessly.

"Who knows next year may be my wedding you guys are walking into." Felix said.

"I have dibs on being the best man." Lucia said.

Friday, 17 January 2020

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Friday, 17 January 2020

"Ready for your first solo engagement?" Monica asked as the car pulled up to the building as the crowds were shouting with excitement.

"Yes, I am. Monica, I think I'll do a walkabout before I enter the building. I mean this is a huge turn out just for me." I answered.

"I mean you do have a few minutes to spare before you actually start your engagement so go ahead and do it." Monica said.

Soon as someone opened the door for me, I exited the car like I had been taught to and immediately made my way over to the start of the barrier, ready for a walkabout.

"My Princess!" someone suddenly cried, and her attention was diverted. "Lucia, it's so amazing to meet you!"

"Hello! Thank you for coming out today." I said as I shook the person's outstretched hand, smiling. "It's nice to meet you." I added.

"You're so beautiful!" the next person along said excitedly.

"Thank you for marrying Antony!" the next person along said excitedly.

"You will make an excellent Princess!" the next person along said excitedly.

"What tiara will you wear on your wedding day?" the next person along said excitedly.

"It's a secret." I answered with a wink.

Eventually I had made my way round the entire crowds, before I walked over to the building and greeted the Chief Executive of Young Women's Trust.

"Hello, I'm Sophie Walker, Chief Executive. It's nice to finally meet you face to face." Sophie said.

"It's nice to finally meet you too. Speaking on the phone doesn't do much. I hope to get a better understanding of your work in person." I said as I moved on to the next person.

"You're already the perfect princess. Hello, it's nice to finally meet you, Lucia, I'm Suzi Copland, Director of Services." Suzi said as she curtsied to me and then shook my hand.

"It's a little too soon for that but thank you for having me today and I hope to learn more from you ladies today." I said as I moved to the next person standing next to Suzi with a bouquet of flowers in her hand.

"I'm Emma Feasey, Services Manager and these are for you." She said as she curtsied then handed me the flowers.

"Thank you, these are lovely and it's nice to meet you." I said.

"Let's head inside." Sophie said as she led me inside the building.

" Sophie said as she led me inside the building

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Lucia Bautista Allen's First Solo Engagement

She nailed it.

Lucia Bautista Allen held her first solo engagement today at the Young Women's Trust, without any other members of the royal family present.

Lucia Bautista Allen who is engaged to Prince Antony just did something that no other Royal women has done.

Lucia had her first solo engagement before becoming a royal.

Lucia arrives at the Young Women's Trust for her first solo outing before becoming a royal. She wears a red Forever 21 dress for the occasion as she accessorizes with a black clutch and Aquazzura pumps.

Of the event, Buckingham Palace previously tweeted,
"Lucia will visit Young Women's Trust and will view the new program set in place to supports young women aged 18-30, especially those struggling to live on low or no pay, to get into work that is right for them."

Young Women's Trust offers free coaching and personalised advice on job applications, conducts research, runs campaigns and works with young women to build confidence and advocate for fair financial futures.

Lucia's appearance follows news that fans can now purchase a replica of the engagement ring that Prince Antony designed for his soon to be wife.

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