Chapter Six ↡Planning For The Future

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Chapter Six ↡Planning For The Future

Antony and Lucia were walking along the first floor hallway, heading to Charles' study. The pair had a morning meeting with Charles and his private secretary.

Antony carried Lucia's purse as his free hand was clasped with Lucia's.

She swung their hands as she gave Antony a loving look.

"You look so good this morning." Lucia said.

"Are your hormones acting up again? We do not have time for a quickie." Antony said as he squeezed her hand.

The couple approached the study door where Catherine and William awaited them. Everyone exchanged greetings and smiles.

"We are here to help you guys with everything. We want you both to know that we support you both one hundred percent. We're a team." William said.

"Thank you, Will." Antony said.

"Let's head inside." Catherine said as William opened the door for her then Lucia before letting Antony and himself walk in.

"There you all are." Charles said as he stands up from behind his desk.

"Hello, Pa." Antony said as they all take a seat at the large round table.

Charles walks from behind his desk to the round table with his secretary, Clive Alderton by his side.

"This meeting is very meeting. We are working on setting up a household for Antony and Lucia. We need to make they all prepared with everything. We want to make sure the public receives Lucia well." Charles said.

"Yes, we want to avoid mistakes made in the past. Lucia, these are list of charities that you can become patron of including the ones Her Majesty May give you." Clive said, handing her a folder.

"Thank you." Lucia said.

"Now, Do you two plan to start a royal foundation?" Charles asked.

"Yes, of course." Antony answered.

"Okay, we'll need to work on setting up a team for your foundation then." Charles said as Clive hands him a list.

"These are the people who could be on your team." Charles said as he hands the paper to Antony.

"What about Lucia's household staff?" William asked.

"Oh, I planned to keep Monica Hudson as my private secretary, and Danielle Quinn as my assistant private secretary. My glam team will also remain the same." Lucia answered.

"Advisor, Communication Secretary, and Digital Communications Lead will remain the same as well." Antony said.

"Okay, very good this seems like it will be a smooth process." Charles said.

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