🍋Tara x !Male!Reader (Not as Expected) *Smut Comission*

Start from the beginning

His grin grew wider as he tossed the gem on the coffee table and got up from the sofa. "Hell yeah! Let's do it!"

Tara motioned him to follow her, which he happily obliged. She led him down some stairs to an underground training room for mythic. The large room was lit with purple torches that were lined down the walls.

"Woah, I had no idea there was a training room like this under here. Does every condo have one?" Tara didn't reply. Instead, she took a metal staff off the weapon rack and tossed it to him.

He caught it and spun it around to get a feel for the weapon as Tara made her way to the center of the room. She stopped a few yards away from (Y/N) and faced him. 

She bowed ever-so elegantly and fanned out her cards in between her fingers. (Y/N) chuckled and readied his staff.

"I'll be a gentleman and let you go first..." He spoke in a dark, low tone. As soon as the words left his mouth, Tara sprinted towards him and threw the cards in her hand. 

(Y/N) swiftly moved his staff to knock away each card that flew at him. With a chuckle, he made his move and dashed over to Tara, spinning his staff extremely fast.

He took the swing and missed barely as Tara dodged his attack. He swung again and again but continued to miss as the tarot reader moved out of his way.

He let out a huff and a growl made it's way up the man's throat. "Stay still!" He swung one more time and that swing clashed against Tara's palm.

Without a sound, she hopped back a few feet and clutched her wrist as she gazed down to her open hand. Blood began to form across the lines in her hand and the mark quickly turned purple.

"Awww... Did I get you?" (Y/N) leaned on his staff with a slight grin on his face. "You're not going to quit all because of one-hit are you?"

Tara's eyebrows furrowed in rage under the magenta fabric that covered her face. She then flicked her wrist at (Y/N), letting multiple splotches of blood hit the ground before him.

His eyes widened as he looked from the red-stained floor, back up to Tara. "Oh God, I'm sorry!" Tara's visible eye narrowed along with the eye on her forehead. He dropped the staff to the ground as he approached her.

"No, no! Really, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

Tara cut him off as she threw both her open hands forward, almost as if she was going to push him away. Instead of pushing him, an invisible force tightly wrapped around (Y/N)'s arms and torso.

"Ack- wh-what the hell!?" The poor man struggled to get free but had no luck doing so. Tara walked over to him and grabbed his chin with her index finger and thumb.

Tara closed her one visible eye but the eye on her forehead did not. The green pupil slowly started spinning and turning until it had made a perfect green spiral.

(Y/N)s struggling slowly came to a halt as he looked up to the spiral. "Wh-What is th-this?" Tara stayed silent as her victim continued to gaze into her eye.

Soon (Y/N)'s head started to spin along with the spiral as he slipped deeper into the trance he didn't realize he was falling into. Tara watched him with amusement as he fell under this spell.

She slowly lifted herself up into thin air and crossed her legs as she floated. (Y/N) never blinked nor broke eye contact while Tara moved. His eyes stayed fixated on the colorful spiral.

Tara lifted her hand up very delicately and (Y/N) started to float up along with Tara. Tara let out a giggle and moved her head slightly to the left. (Y/N)s eyes followed. She then tilted her head to the right, the dazed man never looked away.

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