Ch. 60: Katherine is Released

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The next day, you're driving to the jail. Today's the day you're bailing Katherine out. Benedict's at home with the kids. It's Saturday so the kids are off school today. You've got your radio on and you hear a song come on. Diamonds by Kanye West.

You say, "Oh wow. Haven't heard this in a long time. Since Shirley and I were in high school." You continue driving down the road until you get to the police department. You park and you get out of your car.

You walk up the steps and you head inside. You get out $2,000 cash and you walk up to the window. The female deputy behind the glass sees you and says, "Hello. You must be Mrs. Uno. Millionaire Benedict Uno's wife, right?" You say, "Correct. I'm here to get Katherine Willis. Here's the money." You hand her the money and she stands up. She comes walking out and she says, "Come with me, Mrs. Uno."

You follow her. You sigh. She says, "Something the matter, ma'am?" You say, "Poor girl's been through a lot." She says, "She did kidnap your son, though." You say, "I'm aware. But that's before I realized the awful truth as to why she did it." She says, "Her father, right?" You nod. She says, "We made sure he stays locked away in prison for a very long time." You say, "Good. He deserves it."

She gets to a door and she says, "I'll be right out, Mrs. Uno." You nod. She goes in and you wait. Finally, the deputy comes out with Katherine. She's in an orange suit. Her hair's a mess. You sigh. The deputy who is Deputy Winona Carriage says, "Here she is, Mrs. Uno."

Katherine looks over and says, "(Y-Y/N)?" You smile and you say, "Hi, hon. I'm getting you out." She says, "But... why? I kidnapped your son." You say, "I'll tell you when we get to my car." She says, "Okay." You all walk down the corridor.

Deputy Carriage says, "I'm taking her to get her stuff and her ordinary clothes. We'll be right back, Mrs. Uno. Just wait out in the lobby for us." You say, "Okay. I sure will." You walk off and back to the lobby. You sit and you wait.

About two minutes later, Katherine comes walking out in her ordinary clothes and her purse. You see her and you stand up. She sees you and walks over. She says, "I... I still can't believe you bailed me out."

You say, "Well... I did. Come on, honey. Let's go. You're forgiven." You lead her out of the building and you get down the steps. You get to your car and you both get in. You sigh. Katherine looks at you and says, "What's wrong, Mrs. Uno?"

You say, "Katherine... your mom told me what happened to you." She says, "What are y..." She realizes it and she sits back. She says, "So you know now, huh? About my dad." You say, "I felt so bad after your mom told me the truth. And we threw a party for your arrest before she told me!... I feel like a bitch."

Katherine says, "Mrs. Uno. I know what I did was wrong. Kidnapping Jasper and all. But I've been suffering for a while." You say, "I know. That's a horrible thing for someone to do, especially to their own child. People like him need to be castrated or hanged by their balls."

She says, "Yeah. You're telling me. I loved my dad... up until he did that to me. (Y/N)... I'm sorry for taking Jasper out of his room. I just... he was really sweet to me. And... I ended up falling in love with him. So that's another reason why I did it."

You start the car and you drive out of there. You drive down the road and you say, "Katherine. I have a few things to say." She says, "Yes?" You say, "I'll hire you back. Ben and I both will. But... you can NOT date our son. You're his babysitter. Besides, he's eight years old. So absolutely NO dating my baby boy. Understand?"

She nods and says, "Yes, ma'am." You say, "No alcohol. No showing your underwear to him..." She says, "Wait. You know about that?" You say, "Jasper told me you did." She says, "I see. Mrs. Uno. I won't do it again. Swear on it." You say, "See that you don't. Ben and I had a talk and you're gonna babysit for us again. Everyone deserves a second chance." She smiles.

You get back home to the Delightful Mansion and you drive through the gate. You get out of the car and so does Katherine. You say, "I've had a talk with Jasper. He forgives you, too. Just know that." She smiles. You walk to the double front doors and you open one of them. You say, "Come on."

You and Katherine walk in and you yell, "Ben! Honey, I'm back! I've got her!" You see someone appear. It's Benedict in his Father form. He says, "Ah. I see you've got her back, babe. Welcome back, Katherine."

She smiles and says, "Good to be back." He says, "You're back to babysitting the kids. But... NO dating our son! Understand?" She nods and says, "Yes, sir." He says, "Good. I'll go and get Jasper right now." He walks off and heads upstairs. Katherine looks at you. You say, "It's okay, hon. He forgives you." She nods.

Katherine sees Father coming back down and this time he's got Jasper with him. They get to you and Katherine. Now Jasper is face to face with his babysitter. Katherine sighs. Jasper looks at her. She says, "Jasper... I'm sorry. Can you... forgive me?"

He says, "Yeah. I can." She smiles. He walks over to her and hugs her. She pulls him in for a hug and she says, "I've missed you guys." She pulls away and says, "Where are Judith and Violet?" Jasper says, "Up in Judith's room. Judith likes to have Violet with her as much as possible."

You say, "You can go on up there and see them." Katherine smiles and says, "I'd like that." She walks towards the stairs and she walks upstairs. She walks to Judith's bedroom door and she hears laughing from both Judith and Violet.

She knocks and hears Judith yell, "Who is it?!" Violet repeats her saying, "Who is it?!" Katherine says, "It's me... Katherine Willis." She waits. There's a ten second silence. Katherine is nearly sweating. What if Judith doesn't forgive her?

But then she hears this, "Come in!" Katherine smiles and opens the door. She sees Judith and Violet sitting on the bed, looking at Judith's phone. Judith looks over and she says, "I knew you'd get out, today. My mama told me everything. She even told me... what happened to you."

Katherine sighs and says, "Judith. Can you forgive me for kidnapping your brother? I didn't have a very pleasant past. I..." Judith says, "I know. It's your dad, right?" Katherine nods. Violet sees her and gasps. She gets down from Judith's bed and runs over to Katherine.

She gives her a hug and says, "You're back! Yay!" Katherine smiles and strokes Violet's hair saying, "Good to be back." She knows that Violet has no idea what she did or what happened to her. Despite being an extremely intelligent toddler, Violet's still a naive two year old.

Katherine sighs and says, "Keep yourselves out of jail. You have no idea what it's like." Judith says, "You have my word for it." She gets up and walks over saying, "Okay. You're forgiven. Come on. Let's go downstairs." Katherine picks Violet up and they all head out of Judith's room and downstairs.

Pyromancer and Love Interest (Father (K.N.D.) x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now