Ch. 22: Uncle Monty

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Benedict is in the living room right now. Judith's awake and he's holding her. She has a pacifier in her mouth. He gets his phone out and he dials a number. His brother Monty's number. Nigel's dad.

He waits and gets this, "Hello? Ben?" Benedict says, "Hey, Monty. I've got news for you, brother." "What is it?" "Your niece was just born, yesterday. We have her home, now." "What?! She's here?!" "Yeah. Normally, I don't do this, but you and Nigel need to come here and see her." "I'm on my way, Ben. Congrats to you and the Mrs." "Thanks. I'll say this. I love her. My little girl." "What did you name her?" "Judith Uno."

Judith starts making a little sound and her pacifier falls out and lands on her stomach. She starts crying. Monty says, "I hear that!" "Yeah. That's her. Hold on." He puts the pacifier back in Judith's mouth and she's calm. He says, "I've got her in my arms right now. She had just woken up." "Ben. I'm on my way. Me, Nigel and the Mrs." "Alright. I'll see you, then."

He hangs up and he puts his phone down. He looks down at Judith and he smiles saying, "My little girl. I'll always love you, princess. I'll protect you from those who try and hurt a hair on your head."

He turns into Father and he says, "I'll especially protect you from boys who try to be forward with you, later on." He leans down and kisses her on the forehead. She coos. He says, "Daddy will do anything for his baby." She manages a smile through her pacifier.


About ten minutes go by, the doorbell rings. The Delightful Children have Judith at the moment. Ashley's the one holding her. Father gets the door and he says, "I got it! Must be Monty."

He gets to the doors and opens one of them. There's a big man with a mustache, red shirt, green overalls, etc. That's Monty. And there's Mrs. Uno, his wife. And Nigel. Father says, "Well. You're here. Come in. The Delightful Children have her right now. They're in the living room and so is (Y/N). Come in."

He walks in. Monty, Mrs. Uno and Nigel walk in. Nigel says, "I never knew (Y/N) and Father even got together. Kuki didn't say anything until after the baby was born." Monty says, "Well, son. You know now. You've got a little cousin." Mrs. Uno says, "Come on. Let's go and see our niece."

They get into the living room. You're on the couch. The Delightful Children are standing there and Ashley's got Judith. They see them and they frown. Bruce gets a weapon out and they say, "This is our little sister. Hurt her and..."

You say, "Children. Hand me the gun... now." You hold your hand out. They say, "Yes, mother." They hand you the gun and you put it down. You say, "Let them see your sister. They won't hurt her." They say, "Yes, mother. Here you go." They hand the baby to Monty and he takes her.

He smiles and says, "Well, look at her. Ain't she just precious?" Father says, "Right? I swore I'd be a better father than our dad ever was towards me. He always loved YOU, Monty." You say, "Hey. My mom was no different." He looks at you and says, "No offense, babe... but your mom's a lot worse."

Mrs. Uno says, "Oh my. What happened?" You say, "My mom abused me and it got so bad, I went to live with my aunt and uncle. Kuki's parents. This was before Nigel and Kuki themselves were born. They had me until I was eighteen. When I was a kid, my mom would lock me in a room for hours. No food. No bathroom break. Nothing. I've resorted to... peeing in a cup."

Mrs. Uno says, "Oh, you poor dear. That's hard to go through." You say, "I swore that Judith wouldn't have to face the same thing I did. Unlike my mom, I love my kids. And I'll make sure her life is a hell of a lot better than mine ever was. I'll say this... I won't let that bitch mom of mine near Judith."

Monty says, "Ben. You may be the so called evil tyrant of this town, but you're still my little brother. You'll be a great father... Your real child, I mean. Nigel?" Nigel says, "Yeah, dad?" Monty ducks down and says, "She's your cousin. Would you like to hold her?" Nigel says, "You know what dad? Yeah."

Nigel takes her and he looks down at her. He manages a smile and he sweetly says, "Ooh, look at you. You're just a little cutie, aren't ya? Yes you are." Judith smiles. Father says, "As long as that smile's on her face, I'm okay with you." Nigel says, "Thanks... uncle. Even if we are sworn enemies."

You say, "Enemies or not, this is your cousin. Kuki's second cousin. You guys have the right to see her once in a while." The Delightful Children say, "Just watch your back, Nigel Uno. She's our sister and we're protecting her." You say, "Kids. Don't act that way around Judith, especially while she's a baby." They say, "Sorry, mother."

You say, "Thanks for coming by to see Judith, guys." Mrs. Uno says, "Oh, she's just so precious. Lovely child." Judith is looking up at Nigel and cooing. Nigel looks down at her and in a baby-ish tone he says, "Hey, Judith. Hello, little cutie." She smiles up at him.

After a while, you've got Judith in your arms. Monty and the rest of his family are getting ready to head out. They're by the door. Father says, "Well, Monty. Thanks for coming to see Judith." Monty says, "No problem at all. If you need anything Ben, give us a call." Mrs. Uno says, "I'll have gifts for her, too."

After they leave, the Delightful Children shut the door and they say, "Can we have our sister back, now?" You say, "Yes you may, children. But when she starts crying, bring her back to me or your father. That will be feeding time. And you five need your supper as well." They say, "Yes, mother." You hand them Judith and Bruce takes her. Father says, "Stay close by where we can hear her." They say, "Yes, father." You and Father walk off.

The Delightful Children look down at her and they smile and say, "We'll destroy to keep you safe, little sister. We'll make sure you're protected. You're our little sister. Nobody else's." Judith smiles up at them and coos. They say, "We love you, little sister." They walk off with her.

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